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Everything posted by jburns

  1. Sounds complicated. I use a much simpler old fashioned method. Lucky for me my wife is a bit too old to get pregnant. Bring on the storm.
  2. I would be very careful with that. I’m lucky to have ventless gas logs hooked to a just filled 500 gallon propane tank. It gives off more than enough heat to keep much of the house comfortable and the rest livable.
  3. Another negative aspect this time is with the record cold and storms over much of the country the usual caravans of power trucks coming into the affected area to help restore power will probably not be available. If a large part of the grid does go down it could be a long time before power is fully restored.
  4. Enjoy. Black and Gold is for?
  5. Just picking at you a bit. If you want to change your name we can get it done but it really doesn’t matter.
  6. Feel free to jump in and participate. No one will “jump on you” although I have to say that your display name is the weakest display name I have ever seen displayed.
  7. Be careful what you wish for. The coldest freezing rain event I have ever been in was 19º at its peak.
  8. Then there are those of us who just have to walk a few feet to escape winter’s wrath. Since the county line runs right through my house I have a Winter Storm Watch in my garage, dining room and den but the rest of the house is in the non-event zone. I guess I should be thankful that I will only have to worry about the trees on the northern part of my property.
  9. Raleigh NWS is getting a bit sloppy. December 2020 Central NC Climate Summary By Phillip Badgett and James Danco Number of days with high temperatures at or below 32 °F this month: Greensboro: 19 Raleigh: 18 Fayetteville: 15 Um...no. Maybe that should read low temperatures at or below. I’m not even sure that would be right. It also included this ob. Greensboro tied a daily record snowfall of a trace on December 7. This tied the previous record of a trace of snowfall set in 1995. Now that is just plain sad. Been keeping records for over 100 years and your record snowfall on a December day is a trace. I want to cry.
  10. Lightning is popping and thunder is roaring. Pretty active for Feb.
  11. If you wear an insulated wetsuit, some good gloves and shorten the rope to about 20 feet you should barely be able to see the boat and have a good time.
  12. Actually I am perfectly happy with today. I awoke to trees with a shiny glaze of ice that reminded me it was still winter. By noon most of it had melted. But just a few miles north trees came crashing down, accidents were numerous and power is out possibly for several days. No, considering all that I am perfectly fine with how today turned out.
  13. If you look at the woods across the street you can see a good example of a marginal temp ice event with a warm ground. Almost a straight horizontal line between the iced branches and the no ice branches close to the ground.
  14. Based on this winter I am offering you a replacement photo for that majestic eagle in your signature. I took this several years ago and it actually fits this winter fairly well.
  15. You’ve got to hand it to Raleigh NWS. they just summed up my entire winter in one line. Monday Night Rain. Low around 33. Chance of precipitation is 80%.
  16. I taught in Floyd County from 74-79. I got to enjoy several awesome winters there. You are correct in saying Floyd tends to do well in winter weather situations. In January of 77 we came back from the Christmas holidays and went to school one day and that was it for January. Every time it seemed as if we might go back to school we would get hit again. Awesome times.
  17. Just to give you an idea of what you missed this was the first snowstorm I went through. I was only a little over one month old but it was just the first of many. NYC December, 1947. I destroyed the posts so as not to be tempted to disrupt the thread. Now, to paraphrase Paul Harvey, you won’t know, the rest of the story.
  18. I guess I could but I doubt it would sell. Everyone already knows that.
  19. Well damn. Just as I was about to release my life’s work. “73 Years of Weather, Which Storms I Liked and Which Storms I Hated”. Now what am I supposed to do with 784 pre-prepared posts?
  20. One bed of daffodils are already three inches out of the ground. I have a good shot at a few February flowers. Last year the first of them bloomed about now.
  21. This is true. If they had all the data they would be inconsistent in a completely different way.
  22. In a fair world you might be correct but as my dad told me many times when I would bitch and moan about something, life isn’t fair.
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