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Posts posted by jburns

  1. 8 minutes ago, the ghost of leroy said:

    I never agreed to a public apology and you can still diaf. :)

    And I have the reciepts to prove it.




    Whatever you say. It only affects my opinion of you. Not a problem for me. I have 2 pms from Randy saying you would apoloogize if I shortened the timeout. I did. I can get his permission to post them if you want. Or, we can just go on and I will wait for you to hang yourself. Or, you can simply say, my bad and be done with it. I'm not asking for you to grovel.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, the ghost of leroy said:

    I gave him flack because he banned me for roasting NYC weenies who everyone later agreed were awful. 

    Since you brought it up, you still owe me the public apology you agreed to when I let you back.  You remember. You ran to Randy and it was part of the negotiated settlement when he told me whatever I wanted to do he would be ok with it.  If you can't bring yourself to honor the agreement that's fine. Just be careful to not give me another chance. :)

  3. 1 minute ago, Stebo said:

    Whoever is giving mods flack needs to stop, because they are going to continue to lose red taggers who don't have patience for nonsense. It is a crock that someone is complaining about mods doing what needs to be done.

    It goes with the territory. Doesn't bother me. I just decided to sit and enjoy the spectacle for once.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Stebo said:

    Yeah I agree, I know some hate overmoderation, which I understand but there is a definite need for a few more mods to help out especially after the last 2 hurricanes.

    I did some clean up during Florence. Got some flack for my effort. Since I'm not being paid, this time I just watched. It turned into what I expected. Kind of funny once you decide not to care about it.  I'd estimate it has been a cat 1 thread at best.

  5. One thing has begun to stand out to me over the past year or two is the number of times that the following statements ended up being false despite experience and climatology arguing for their truth.

    1. That is clearly overdone.

    2. 35" of rain? The model is on crack.

    3. No way. That hasn't happened since records have been kept.

    Strange things happen. It seems to be more and more. Even as I type this the NHC has just released Forecast Discussion #57  on hurricane Leslie. Now I'm sure 57 discussions isn't a record but it might be getting close. especially since Leslie is forecasted to move toward Africa for the next three days and then turn SW over the weekend to a position north of the Cape Verde Islands. It seems Leslie wants a do-over.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 2
  6. 7 minutes ago, Polka1 said:

    Or PA, where Intercourse is a bit up from the town Bird in Hand - not far away from Paradise and Fertility.

    Oh yeah. Ever since I can remember PA was held up as the gold standard of weird town names.  I looked up a few from NY because that is where BX resides. All in fun. 

  7. 6 hours ago, BxEngine said:

    Weirdest effin town names ever

    Go back north where the names are all normal.  LIke these upstate NY towns.













  8. 2 minutes ago, Lookout said:

    yep, a big difference between a storm that is strengthening at landfall vs weakening. This is wild to me but nhc has it as still a 100mph hurricane as it enters southwest georgia. damn.  


    This. I'm no Josh but I have been in quite a few canes.  The best way I can describe it is although the measured wind velocity may be the same a strengthing cane feels much more violent. It swings wildly and very quickly from less wind to more. It is almost like taking repeated punches from a professional fighter(don't ask me how I know that). A weakening cane may have the same amount of variety in wind speed but it feels much more smoothed out.  It raises and lowers much slower than a strengthing cane.

    • Like 3
  9. 20 hours ago, WeatherHawk said:

    Was enjoying a nice Pernicious IPA on King Street at the Boone Saloon today...went to the restroom...came back took a big pull on my cold brew and a darn old yellow jacket was in there...by the time I could get it out of my mouth it stung me all in my gums and my upper lip...6.5 hours later my upper jaw and lip are burning...any advice here to get the sting away???

    Recommend a doctor. Dr. Daniels.  Dr. Jack Daniels.

    • Haha 1
  10. The headline is a bit misleading since it is the schools themselves that caused the refusal.  However, the result is the same.


    NCAA says no to South Carolina-North Carolina basketball exhibition for hurricane relief https://www.postandcourier.com/sports/ncaa-says-no-to-south-carolina-north-carolina-basketball-exhibition/article_e92e4d16-c8d6-11e8-99a1-a33c60585114.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share 

    Schools are allowed two exhibition games per season, a public one and a “secret” scrimmage in a closed gym with no reports and no statistics released to the public. Coaches aren’t even supposed to acknowledge the “secret” scrimmage’s presence.

    If schools desire, though, they can use the second as an exhibition game for charity. 

    Neither USC nor UNC wanted to give up what they already had but wanted to add a third game. The NCAA turned down the request for a third game. 



  11. 8 hours ago, Waiting on snow said:

    I'd be curious out of those 105 months how many were actually below normal? I'm guessing not many.

    This is a worldwide trend.

    For 400 Months in a Row, the Earth Has Been Warmer Than 20th Century Average

     If you assume the odds of a particular month being warmer than average are 50 percent — what you’d expect in a stable climate — then the odds of 400 warm months in a row would be approximately one in 1 x 10^120. The name for such a number is a “novemtrigintillion” — a value bigger than the number of atoms that exist in a trillion universes.



  12. 5 minutes ago, QC_Halo said:

    My dog got hit by a car 2 hours ago and is in doggie ICU...but this gave me a laugh. Especially the dudes casually strolling behind.


    os this your video? I’d like to share it...is it on YouTube?

    all news is fake

    I hope your dog recovers. I've just been through the same thing.

  13. 1 hour ago, Orangeburgwx said:

    End result of listening to Charlie Daniels while riding out the storm (and before anyone quotes me, I know the report of the moron shooting into the storm and dying was proven false)



     That was your mistake. You don't ride out a storm listening to Charlie Daniels. You ride it out drinking Jack Daniels.

    • Haha 3
  14. 2 minutes ago, cheapdad00 said:

    So to sort out this direction discussion, West is 270 degrees, North is 360 degrees (or 0). NW would be halfway between at 315 degrees.  WNW would be halfway between W and NW, so 292.5 degrees. 


    So Florence is considered as moving NW because 305 degrees is closer to 315 (NW) than it is to 292.5 (WNW)?

    Yes.  That and west, north, west, west, would be a bit much.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, Ser Pounce said:

    Yeah.  I had tomorrow at first. When I went to double check the info I pulled up0 an old link. Sorry about that.

    COLUMBIA — Gov. Henry McMaster will order evacuations along South Carolina’s entire 187-mile coastline border starting at noon Tuesday, saying residents and tourists must get out of Hurricane Florence’s potentially devastating path, according to several lawmakers briefed on the plans.

    The evacuations are expected to cover some areas inland prone to flooding, including Berkeley County and parts of Dorchester County. 

    The eastbound lanes of Interstate 26 heading into Charleston and U.S. 501 into Myrtle Beach will be reversed when the order takes effect, opening all lanes to evacuees.  

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  16. 12 minutes ago, HKY_WX said:

    One thing to keep in mind, is there are practically no examples of major atlantic canes bending back to the west into SC/NC (i hear some posters referring to Hugo and some outlier model runs showing that type of track). Hugo may be the only one I can think of, and that was due to a decently strong upper low to it's WSW. This one doesn't have that feature currently.

    The main driver of this one is pretty singular (Western Atlantic Ridge). Florence is going pretty much track on the SW side of it, so a curve WNW and then NW seems most likely. Once it get's far enough inland it will decouple and weaken into a weak SLP. That is when it will stall b/c the steering currents aren't strong enough to keep it moving after it's transition. I think that's the main reason the NHC mentioned the further south options were the result of a weaker cane. The stall is the big question in my mind and you have to give the Euro precedent b/c it's been the most consistent per usual.  So I would say it's going to be in Central NC/Southern VA. 



    A stall could end up doing the most damage of the entire event.

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