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Everything posted by jburns

  1. It's kind of funny to read the comments in the long range discussion wondering where all the 10 day plus cold air and moisture went. The answer is simple and the same every time. They returned to the faulty algorithms that spawned them.
  2. 73.5º Hell of a way to run a winter.
  3. Today is bottom temperature day in Greensboro. Tomorrow the average high moves up a tenth of a degree and begins the march to July.
  4. Sure do. It will have thundered 7-10 days ago.
  5. Until you realize that tomorrow is the average last date of measurable snowfall.
  6. Thanks bud. It is shaping up to be a different kind of year.
  7. Not much banter last year so let just keep this thread active for 20.
  8. My apologies. I deleted two of these map posts thinking they were identical. Guess I need to see an eye doctor. EDIT: I managed to recover them. No harm no foul.
  9. Another bad sign. Last week in December and the Buffalo Bills are playing a home game in the rain.
  10. Today it reached 67º in Elkins, West Virginia. ELKINS. Not a good sign.
  11. Forecasted high today was 51. Currently sitting at 58. Winter warmth temps almost always over perform.
  12. At 8 pm tonight my temp was 30º. High clouds have rolled in and now two hours later I am at 36º. I think I've seen this play before.
  13. Yep. That month can make the difference between a 35º rain and a 33º rain.
  14. Hoping for a quick and complete recovery.
  15. Only during our usual two weeks of winter. For the fifty weeks of summer you have to up your shower game.
  16. Fly Prevention Trash sealed....check Dog poop picked up.......check Took a shower this morning.........oops
  17. A nice slow .80" of rain this morning. Not a puddle to be found.
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