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Everything posted by Rjay

  1. Agree but in here we will be respectful. If you want to let out some anger at specific posters it needs to be in OT.
  2. We should tell @Stormlover74and @Allsnowto buckle the f up
  3. Yup looks amazing rn
  4. I swear to god if we can't score multiple times with this active pattern we are cursed and I'm making that Anthonymm guy a mod.
  5. I've given up bc no one budges an inch on anything anymore.
  6. We usually wouldn't allow this at all. What's happening is too important not to let adults speak about this outside the cesspool that is OT. If people from other subs join in I will delete their comments. I would love if people can keep it respectful but it's really hard not to be upset at some of the stuff that's going on.
  7. I honestly can tell. It's hard sometimes.
  8. BxEngine and I agree with each other on basically everything when it comes to the NYC subforum. We have each other's backs. I wasn't going against him the other day. I just didn't really care in the moment bc I was having an incredibly rough day at work. We're all human.
  9. It's not. Unless it becomes overboard. I think we should probably stick to the NOAA stuff in here though.
  10. Yes but be careful with your words. I'm also sick of the uninformed thinking their opinions should matter on topics they don't understand.
  11. I'm ok with it. It's too important not to talk about. Anything over the line will be dealt with. This goes for everyone.
  12. Sure, nothing to see here, right?
  13. Nowadays everyone has access to the models but I understand bc I always liked it to. Don't really understand the dislike some people have for pbp.
  14. Hear they're building a state of the art facility in Greenland.
  15. Obviously stormvistas weenie snow maps are still glitched.
  16. The pattern is just so active. Odds favor something working out at some point. And if it's multiple somethings it will be a fun month.
  17. Personally I hate these snow to rain events with a passion. You don't get to enjoy the snow and then it goes from a waterlogged nightmare to an icy nightmare followed by another waterlogged nightmare. I do love to watch the snow fall prior to the changeover though.
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