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Everything posted by nycsnow

  1. Absolutely failure of a winter. I had 6 feet of virtual snow. Bring on the warmth I’m done lol
  2. Yea let’s just wrap this up. At least we can put it to bed tonight
  3. I think 12z was better overall on the eps def a better lean west 12z Image
  4. Positive trend with the euro. Hopefully wake up to some good 6z news
  5. Some solid hits. How does it compare to last run? More or about same
  6. Do you have the frame before that? Looks like there still a decent on the west side
  7. Remember 18z eps actually were northwest and had a lean west so hopefully we’re seeing a correction back. Should know soon with 0z eps
  8. Figured models might have been over correcting during day. Huge positive run
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