I know we only care how much electronic snow falls in each model run, but that was a fairly large shift on the euro. Up until this run, next week’s storm was all northern stream energy, with nothing coming out of that Baja cutoff low. GFS brings out all that energy and phases it, hence the 6z solution. What you see now in all the 12z runs (euro, gfs, and GGEM) is some of that energy coming out and phasing/partially phasing with the northern stream energy. Euro keeps the 2 pieces most separate while the North American models partially phase. Any sort of phase raises the boom/bust scenario up a notch or two. But also phasing is complicated, so don’t expect any sort of locked in scenario anytime soon. The simplest solution for first flakes for us continues to be a northern stream only vort passage that drops some light snow. I’m skeptical of a wound up inland cutter right now, but with the icon, ukie, and a handful of GEFS members showing it, I suppose it can’t be discounted yet.