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Everything posted by WxUSAF

  1. It literally is a 9/11 per day. And even if you extrapolate that one data point to the whole country (which nobody should do), it’s way below herd immunity levels.
  2. ^wow that’s a very important result.
  3. Wow, that’s a good data point to have.
  4. I agree with your post @supernovasky but don’t want to go there.
  5. We have a pink dogwood sapling that finally blossomed a little this year, but now all the blossoms drooped and the little leaves that were growing next to it are limp. WTH? We also planted 2 red twig dogwoods. One is happy, but one is struggling. Lots of leaves that are shriveled and limp. Anything I should try for either of these?
  6. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/what-coronavirus-does-to-the-lungs?amp=true
  7. In one breath you’re saying we don’t know enough to make actionable decisions and in the other we also know enough to open everything up and let nature take its course.
  8. Kill granny to save the stocks!
  9. Oh please dude. This virus is killing healthy people under 50 and giving permanent lung damage to many who recover. At much higher rates than flu, etc. Except it’s basically 2-3K COVID deaths per day? 9/11 was 3K. Stats on other deaths being way down?
  10. The “we are overreacting” crowd is just crazy. We’re on an easy path to at least 60K deaths. Sixty thousand! Probably more at this rate. Twenty 9/11s.
  11. There are millions of “easy victims” in our country alone.
  12. Dr. Fauci was saying to flatten the curve and I'm pretty sure he's not a "young unexperienced PhD type".
  13. But Dr. Phin says once we cull the herd and all get herd immunity, we're all good!
  14. Florida and New Orleans?? Ecuador apparently.
  15. Not sure if we’ll ever know for sure, but I just can’t believe the low numbers in countries like India.
  16. This isn’t going to be the 2A thread.
  17. lol what? COVID is surpassing cancer and heart disease in a month WITH unprecedented social measures taking place. No, you can’t shut everything down forever, but accepting mass casualty rates because it’s expensive to avoid them is...not the answer.
  18. That sucks. We’ve been thinking about HS seniors. Missing so many big life events. Good luck to him.
  19. Mod to strong Nina? Yeah, not a year to get hopes up. That said, hard to be as bad as this past winter. But possible. But I’m all in on the nino 21-22 winter.
  20. IAD reported a trace of snow
  21. 53F. When does my snow start??
  22. Meh. Decent kickoff to spring gusty shower season I guess.
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