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Everything posted by WxUSAF

  1. Ugh. Sun and 70s please
  2. Belgium reopening some things starting next week.
  3. Found out today my moms cousin (83 with health issues) died of COVID. I knew him but hadn’t seen him in years.
  4. I know the JHU site and the Worldometer update at different rates, but they are off by >2K fatalities right now! That's like a whole day or two's difference. Not sure why. eta..and 20K cases!
  5. Had cardinals and blue jays do this. Never a hawk! It shook the house.
  6. Just had a red shouldered hawk fly full speed into our front window. Then sat on the ground dazed for 30 seconds.
  7. Jeez...4"+ through D10.
  8. So probably another case where low weekend fatality rates were a bit of a mirage. Or backlogs and probable deaths are getting added today?
  9. I think very close to 60K at the end of the month.
  10. See my link above, but could be hard to tease out any effect in a short period. Most likely scenario might be GA stays on the same trend.
  11. Nate silver makes a good point that it’s probably going to hard to tease out impact of GA’s actions, at least for awhile.
  12. Lol more media requests to attend than actual protestors. @PhineasC‘s silent majority in action
  13. I think this is probably right more or less. Not sure how this is going to look. Going from straight no contact to hanging in a pool with 100 strangers is quite a leap, so there’s going to be some phase in. I think you could start nonessential businesses and restaurants probably around June 1 and see how it goes. But yeah, without sufficient testing, opening things 100% during the summer seems primed to make a second wave in fall.
  14. 4-1+ is 80%+, Dr. Phin
  15. Saw an article today (NYTimes I think) saying the second leading indicator for COVID vulnerability after age is obesity. Lots of obese people in this country of all ages.
  16. I get “-200” when I try to add a picture. What’s that?
  17. Hard to exactly follow daily fatality numbers on the JHU website but looks like 3K+ so far?
  18. The point of flattening the curve is not to limit long term infections. It’s to prevent catastrophic collapse of the hospital and health system. Which would kill many people who otherwise wouldn’t die if infections are spread out.
  19. Exactly. We’ve always known the real infection rate is higher than we’ve measured, which pushes the fatality rate lower. From everything we know, the fatality rate is still much higher than flu. Its also always been apparent that you can’t shut down the economy until a vaccine is ready. You have to find the balance.
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