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Everything posted by WxUSAF

  1. Thought the Gordon Ramsay Ellicott City special was tonight but I guess it’s next Tuesday?
  2. Ha! A high temp 24hours in advance is what it should be good at!
  3. I think at this point, the testing and tracing capacity is really the remaining hope to control things nationally. I hope that places that have partially opened up will at least evaluate where things stand. But probably will be early or mid June before there’s any noticeable trend. Seems the country is just going to accept 1-3K deaths per day. Got to keep increasing testing capacity.
  4. Yup. Which I like (and maybe this chilly weather this week is a good time for it), but it’s not a beer I want while vegging out after work.
  5. After the beer I just drank, I’m now out except for one duclaw dessert porter. Looks like a curbside trip is on my list tomorrow.
  6. Yes, last 3 have been nice for sure
  7. Uh...NAM has tomorrow not getting out of the 40s.
  8. I was wondering about that. The thunder seemed to really roll and shake. Kept me awake until after midnight. I figured either positive strike or maybe an atmospheric duct that kept the sound going and traveling far. Ended up with over 0.5".
  9. Not sure I’m seeing much redeeming value in this thread existing anymore
  10. One of my first outings in the quarantine to the local garden center. It was packed! 10/10 May day
  11. Obvs this expert hasn’t heard about Dr. Phin’s and Dr. 40west’s expert opinions
  12. I’d take the 18z NAM. Warm if cloudy day with maybe a passing shower and then a rocking MCS after dark.
  13. So the same number of people die like you just said?
  14. Someone posted the thread yesterday, but there are measures showing that the stay at home orders have worked. R has gotten down to ~1 or a bit below it. That suggests if we kept at this indefinitely, we would eliminate transmission. But it would be very slow. Probably a R around 1 is fairly sustainable in terms of hospital capacity. To reduce R below one probably means much higher testing rates and contact tracing followed by quarantines.
  15. Want another but probably would have noticeable intoxication in front of the kids
  16. It’s a hard liquor day. Moscow mule tastes wonderful.
  17. Nearby PWS says 0.93” but nearby spotter reported 1.75” so I dunno. It’s wet.
  18. Tom tasselmeyer, local Baltimore tv met, said this past week was the first time with 7 days below normal in a row at BWI since March 2019. Any guesses on how many 7+ day streaks of above normal since then?
  19. There’s getting to be quarantine fatigue. I know my family is feeling it and I think the crowd reports from parks is confirming it. NYTimes had an article about it this week as tracked by cell phone data. Not sure what the answer is, but I think people are going to test limits and push things the longer we go. Especially as weather gets nice.
  20. Gimme that dark blue in July please
  21. Looks coolish next week, but not super rainy.
  22. @C.A.P.E., don't drink those 3 beers after giving blood. You live a long way from the hospital!
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