My daughter is a 6th grader and if her experience is typical (which I doubt since she’s pretty diligent and self motivated), then I think the distance learning is maybe 50-75% of in school education.
For my fourth grader, it’s probably 25% at best.
COVID thread is locked.
What I think is appropriate for this thread is LOCAL-related questions/comments regarding the pandemic and associated reopening, etc. Examples such as:
1. Does <business> have curbside pickup?
2. What is <counties> doing for school next fall?
3. Can I get tested <here>?
4. Is this <location> open and what restrictions does it have?
Policy discussion, case analysis, armchair epidemiology is not allowed.
Here’s what I’m thinking:
covid thread gets shut down
very limited covid related discussion allowed in banter, specifically things like questions about testing, reopening, logistics. No discussion about policy, case counts, government response, etc.