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Everything posted by WxUSAF

  1. 12z runs of the Euro, GFS, and GGEM all have the back door scenario to one level or another. Differences are in how far the front progresses. We may just be a bit cooler over the weekend because the front is nearby and brings in cloud cover. All 3 plus GEFS and GEPS bring in the real cold front sometime Tuesday next week that cools us down to at least seasonable temps and probably more like low 80s.
  2. I remember my computer monitor bouncing across my desk and wondering why I had never heard a train so close to my office before.
  3. Horrific. Can keeps getting kicked on any relief Euro and CMC are a bit better as we get backdoored a bit next weekend before the real front comes through around D9-10. Still though, rough heatwave to end summer. Really ready for windows open kind of weather.
  4. Staying in Canada it seems. Looks like maybe we get backdoored next weekend and then finally a good fropa a few days later? eta…ugh, euro is brutal. 5-6 day heatwave next week with high dews. Going to suck with my half working AC.
  5. These 70F+ dews need to go back to hell where they belong. Unfortunately it looks like we have at least 7 more days of this.
  6. It’s the best show on tv
  7. A touch muggy still, but a mostly gorgeous evening outside right now with a light breeze. 80/70.
  8. 0.8” this morning. Underestimated nearby PWS says 3.37” for the month, which means probably closer to 3.75-4”.
  9. I’m not as surprised that we’re going to have another 7-10 days of highs in the 80s to low 90s. I am pretty amazed that we might go 2 straight weeks with dew points in the 70s! That’s pretty unusual this late in summer I’d wager.
  10. Euro focuses on DC metro area for heaviest rain without much in central VA like earlier runs. But overall drier even around DC with about 1”. Obviously places under cells could get more.
  11. It’s not too shabby for the metro corridor either through Saturday. 1-2”
  12. Rebuilt like 500 yards east of me once again lol Downtown Baltimore is probably over 2” this week and I’m still around 0.7”.
  13. On a nicer note, good ensemble support for a refreshing Canadian airmass coming in late next week and weekend and persisting for several days. Probably highs in the 70s.
  14. That rotating cell went right past me, but alas, my house is still standing. Edit…just had one thunder clap
  15. Unbelievable how storms expand JUST past me. You’d think the odds would catch up with me eventually.
  16. And a heavy precip statement also just posted apparently.
  17. This sunshine can’t hurt given how soupy it is outside.
  18. One 6z EPS member takes Henri up the Bay. #itshappening
  19. I scored another 0.02”. Amazing how things have exploded literally less than 5 miles from me so much in the last two days. Last nights radar loop being a perfect example. Only about 0.5” total this week while places very close probably have 2”+.
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