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Everything posted by WxUSAF

  1. Harbaugh is so consistently awful at clock management
  2. Not sure how other factors looked, but I’d take a 10-11 winter again in a hot second as Ninas go. Cold winter and around 20” IMBY.
  3. ^the mole poleward WPO/EPO ridge is what Webb has been talking about on Twitter. He thinks the current Pac SST pattern favors that.
  4. If time, money, and computing resources were not factors, I’d love to do a huge ensemble experiment of climate modeling for our snowfall varying ENSO, PDO, and perhaps some other factors. My gut is that in weak Niña/neutral winters, other aspects just dominate and we just have had more bad luck with those than what “should” happen.
  5. The “good” Ninas recently IMBY are 15-20”. So I won’t complain much if we get to that range. Above 20” in a Niña would be solid. Of course the bad Nina’s are really bad…
  6. Adley’s subsequent ground out was hit at 97mph with a .600 xBA. Well struck ball! Bad luck! 3 feet left and he’s got the most clutch hit in the game.
  7. I have lots of thoughts today, but responding to general consensus in here specifically, the idea that this is on Hyde is nonsense. Your top bats (Gunnar, Santander, Cowser, Adley, Mountcastle) were a combined like 3-40 in the series! There’s your problem! Hyde wasn’t swinging for them! Hyde wasn’t perfect this season, but he was value added as a manager. O’s pinch hitters were like top 2 or 3 in the league this season. His bullpen decisions were right far more often than wrong. What went wrong with the offense in late June/early July is a more complicated answer than #FireHyde.
  8. Heading to the game soon. Hope I get to see a postseason win for the first time in person!
  9. That loss isn’t on Hyde at all. Pitching to Witt there is not some tragic error. Burnes got him out the other 3 times. He’s just a good hitter and he snuck a ground ball through the 5-6 hole. Top 5 hitters in the lineup went like 1-15. That isn’t Hyde’s fault.
  10. Front next Monday/tuesday seems like it has 60s highs/40s lows potential
  11. Globals are all essentially 100% dry for next 10 days so should have a nice stretch of fall weather
  12. I took a look at month to date precip on the CoCoRAHS page. Wild variation through the area.
  13. I don’t use the apple weather app so I don’t know if this is true, but I’d guess it probably shows there’s a flood watch/warning or whatever. But if you don’t click on that banner, you wouldn’t see this was something exceptional.
  14. This is just me totally speculating, but in regards to the “the severity of this flood threat didn’t reach people ahead of time” discussion, I wonder how much of that comes from most people now getting their weather from Apple weather app and the like. I’m sure local broadcasters and NWS were appropriately warning ahead of time, but how many people does that reach now? People look at their app and think “oh bummer, rainy week ahead” but maybe didn’t get anything related to the seriousness?
  15. Me going to bed clearly turned their fortunes around. You’re welcome all!
  16. Lamar’s fumble and another baffling harbaugh mistake. Luckily Bills didn’t capitalize. Not sure I understand why they didn’t try and push the ball downfield there with 40 seconds before the half?? You had a timeout.
  17. 21-3 ravens. Bills must be licking their chops for the 4Q ravens implosion.
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