Anytime a model spits out something unprecedented, you should take it with a heaping dose of salt. However, we do have near record -AO, -EPO, and -NAO…
The lead shortwave that goes through the Lakes is pretty key obviously. Want that strong, separated, and moving east to get trapped under the Baffin NAO ridge.
Something I noticed. Trying to figure out why our shortwave for the 22-23rd is digging so much more in the last 24hrs worth of runs. I think it’s this lead shortwave that moves through the Lakes around D4-5. It sort of merges with and pulls a piece of the 50-50 low west. This provides a lot more suppression of our shortwave and forces it well south. Compare yesterday and todays 18z GFS runs.
Not sure if it will come together, but if we didn’t have a digital HECS 48hrs before this panel, I’d be stoked. This is a canonical look. #CAPEStorm2022
We’re basically at D7 for the storm being on our door step. Long way to go but I like where we sit for now. I’d like to see us in a similar position (with wiggle room to maintain a nice event) around 0z Sunday.
Everyone should also remember that even an area wide 3-6” type event would be HIGH TIER for mid-Atlantic La Niña December’s.
Solid week? We got teased a couple times that it would get forced to our south, but think that was all like D9? I’d have to go back in the thread to be sure.