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Everything posted by champy

  1. I did a few drone montages on some of the fall scenery in CNY. Very nice this year. Was up in New Hampshire last weekend - also great stuff going on up there. Did end up with 2 ticks on me after a quick jaunt in the woods today near Skaneateles. Crazy how much more common that is now than when I was a kid growing up.
  2. Canon 5D Mark IV. 24-105mm L lens. About 4 second exposure, 800 ISO, F 5.6. Remote controlled on a tripod so you don't get mirror shake.
  3. Early. 4am or maybe even a bit before. It's best when Venus starts rising and before you even get the hint of sunrise. Once it hits 415-430 it's all over because of ambient light.
  4. Comet NEOWISE looks nice in the east ( to the left and lower than Venus). Check it out around 4 am. Took these shots outside of Baldwinsville.
  5. I think we'll be seeing a lot more of this over the next decade.
  6. Glad our 90 degree days were done with in May!
  7. He's your textbook troll. An Internet and keyboard warrior! If you look at his posts he trolls the political fields, the winter threads, and the New England coronavirus and weather threads. He's on both sides of the equation most times. I can almost guarantee he's that toolbox Tolland because we all know that guy doesn't have a life and has 15 different accounts probably on here and for catfishing on Tinder.
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/06/19/record-heat-maine/ This article was awesome in explaining this weather stuff going on. Crazy to see how miserable the weather has been down in Virginia too...kinda like us the last few years.
  9. Hey troll! Glad we had another 90 degree day last week after you said that was over for the summer in late May. Can't wait till we hit 90 again this week.
  10. OT but wild up in the Arctic...scary: https://earther.gizmodo.com/it-hit-80-degrees-in-the-arctic-this-week-1843606717?utm_campaign=Gizmodo&utm_content&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3FDo4A7xELIrN0r5FWIXAK1iA1nZhlXUn-e882I9oM2dwYM05gwsZNuBA
  11. brentrich is probably just one of the 18 accounts that moron from Connecticut has to troll people with.
  12. You're so delusional. No wonder you're a Trumper.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/24/business/lysol-disinfectant-trump-coronavirus/index.html Why do we have dumb warnings of everything? People like Trump. How anyone could support this clown after this dumpster fire is beyond me. A lot of blindly ignorant fools out there do - and will probably have a nice cup of Lysol with their coffee.
  14. In fact, shouldn't you be out protesting with all those other small d*ck military wannabe's
  15. Scumbag? You're the biggest f*cking scumbag on here besides that idiot you support as President who flat out lies and peddles in fake news at least 10 times a day. Get a life loser. https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/
  16. Remember that "wonderful" tax law jammed through a couple of years ago? https://www.forbes.com/sites/shaharziv/2020/04/14/why-are-rich-americans-getting-17-million-stimulus-checks/#120d5a9665b4 “For those earning $1 million annually, a tax break buried in the recent coronavirus relief legislation is so generous that its total cost is more than total new funding for all hospitals in America and more than the total provided to all state and local governments,” said Doggett. “Someone wrongly seized on this health emergency to reward ultrarich beneficiaries, likely including the Trump family, with a tax loophole not available to middle class families. This net operating loss loophole is a loser that should be repealed.” Trump and his entire family (and basically the entire GOP, especially the sh*tbags in the Senate) are criminals. You Trump supporters are dumb sheep. In fact, Trump's behavior reminds me a lot of Congel when he was building Destiny USA...not to mention how he used to refuse to pay contractors after the work was done. But yes - lets blame immigrants, people on welfare, the Chinese, the deep state, Hillary and Obama. While we have crisis after crisis, the real issue is these criminals in the GOP keep sneaking in these tax windfalls for the ultra rich, weakening the government response apparatus, and hollowing out 40 years of environmental laws for our air and water. Shouldn't surprise me when all his supporters watch Fox "news" 24 hours a day
  17. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/14/politics/trump-name-checks-coronavirus/index.html What a tool. Talk about a complete egomaniac. Really loved his last tweet, shows what type of person he fancies himself to be. His supporters are delusional - plain and simple. Absolutely no better than those in Nazi Germany or Mussolini's Italy who supported their regimes but didn't fancy themselves to be "evil". Don't like the name calling? Think I'm too ANGRY? Just taking a cue from your boss boys. Buck up buttercup and quit being a snowflake. <^>(-_-)<^>
  18. You support a racist President, therefore by association, you are racist at worst, or an apologist and collaborator at best. Am I angry? Sure, who wouldn't be with the state of affairs with a complete ignorant idiot in the White House right now? https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history Go ahead...explain away Trump's abject bigotry, narcissistic, and misogynistic behavior. After all, we both know there's "very fine people on both sides".
  19. There's a whole freaking timeline of Trump's failures: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-response.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=Homepage Well spelled out, but Luke is clearly a Trump sycophant who believe he can do no wrong. Just the laughable fact of comparing a misstep of Obama's to one of Trump's many complete idiotic blatherings show there's probably a tinge of racism going on in there too. After all, blame Obama for everything....right? And give me a f*cking break - pro-Chinese rallies spreading the virus? Most of the virus spread happened from people coming back to NYC from Europe. The China ban did absolutely nothing, was too late, and was simply the typical xenophobic response that Trump supporters know and love - and basically the only thing their dim-witted minds can understand. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/study-finds-most-cases-of-covid-19-in-nyc-came-from-europe-other-places-in-us/2368010/ At this point you might as well post a picture of the Confederate flag in your garage.
  20. I did a Kenya and Tanzania safari back in 2014 - well worth every penny. Only saw Killi from the ground, however. You're gonna love it! If you're looking to add on a couple relaxing days at the end - look to spend a few days in Zanzibar....awesome place.
  21. Love snow in winter, would rather fish in the rain in April!
  22. Just listening to your inane drivel over the past couple weeks it's clear you have a red MAGA hat and probably fly a Trump 2020 flag over your house. Your complete and utter selfish bullsh*t about "I'm in great shape so I don't think healthcare should be a right for other people because they chose to be fat" misses the entire point. You're clearly a self-centered a$$hole. God forbid you or any of your healthy family members had the unfortunately circumstance to get cancer to come down with some condition that required lengthy and costly hospital stays. News flash - it can happen to any of us, regardless of how many times we go to the gym. I've been going to the gym my whole life, eating healthy, and that didn't prevent my appendix from rupturing one fateful day that required emergency surgery when I happened to be in between jobs and had a gap in my health insurance. The entire situation could have bankrupt me had some luck not crept in. Cuomo is doing a great job, far better than that third-grade mentality narcissistic clown in the White House is doing. I'm grateful we're living in this state and have the leader that we do. It's pretty clear you'd be much happier in a state like Alabama or Mississippi. Probably a lot better down there with regards to education and healthcare...although for you it's clear you didn't pay attention to anything in school.
  23. I got the travel bug early! Yeah, spent about 2 weeks on the south island. We rented a camper van and basically did a big loop. I did bring my Mavic Air drone, got some nice shots near Glenorchy where they filmed LOTR My entire album from NZ is here: Check it out and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have!
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