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Everything posted by champy

  1. Or this one? Oh no I won't be able to post on a weather forum my delusional nonsense ever again!!?
  2. Seems like you're a snowflake ❄️
  3. I don't love it I just want them to get what they voted for.
  4. Pretty soon they'll be no models or NOAA for you dumb Trump supporters and I'll love it. Dumb bald ignorant loser
  5. How do you guys keep dealing with this clown for years on end? What a nut.
  6. Looks like the end of the world here in CNY this morning
  7. resend me a link in Discord and I'll join so I don't have to come back on here and see completely retarded posts
  8. Watering sucks but I'm happy with the lower number of mosquitoes this summer. Been nice sunny weather so far...good breezes to dry things out
  9. Looks great. Dry everything out after last years deluge
  10. This type of setup is not without precedent here. Jogged my memory back to 4.16.07 in Skaneateles. Didn't go on April break so was hoping the weather would be nice in NY. On the 16th during the day the deformation band was so strong that in a stripe from maybe Auburn to Camillus it stayed snow, turning to rain in most other places. Was an amazing and heavy snow. If I remember measurements we got well over a foot that day - most sticking during the morning hours. Could happen again somewhere!
  11. I'm sure it's the guy from Tolland and one of his many alt accounts.
  12. Great day of skiing Killington today before the rain moved in at 4. Pouring now. Will be interesting to see what conditions are like tomorrow. We're supposed to drive back to sizzle on Friday. Should be a fun drive with the truck
  13. why stop with 3? Lets go for 4 and 5! Hell, lets keep this front here until march, just send storms up it.
  14. What? What about that storm last year when you guys pushed 30" and we smoked the length of a Vienna sausage up here in sizzle?
  15. Provincetown webcam is the place to be. Looks like bonafide blizzard (a "death band" as it were): https://masswebcams.com/provincetown-webcams/
  16. It's either gonna be an epic storm or an epic meltdown. I personally can't stand a few members in the NE forum, so I wanna see some crying.
  17. Poor Sizzlecuse. At this rate the MA and NE will win snowfall awards over us
  18. Absolute nothing burger here in CNY. Sleet and then a big gaping snow hole.
  19. Sorry about the mouse, just used a screen recording software https://imgur.com/a/pbxcdPi
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