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Everything posted by Cfa

  1. 89 is my max so far, same as yesterday. Currently I have four 89’s and three 90+’s. I’ll be starting a petition to lower the heat wave threshold from 90 to 89.
  2. I wish I could bookmark this post, I get sick of having to explain this to people outside of this board. Central Park’s “cooling trend” is a go to for those in denial of climate change, they then blame warming trends elsewhere on airport runways.
  3. No rain this month so far (7 full days), my current longest dry streak this year is 8 days in both January and March. Hoping these showers fail to drop anything measurable this morning, to set a new streak. Last July started out bone dry as well.
  4. Funny how a 68 degree dew point feels “dry” following yesterday’s equatorial humidity.
  5. Not me, sunsets are still roughly the same time as they were at the solstice.
  6. High was 87. Dew point topped out at 81. No storms of course, this being Long Island and all.
  7. Yeah, I love sitting outdoors on a warm summer evening but the mosquitoes have made that impossible. Think I’ll be getting a citronella plant. 86/80/101. Bayou conditions.
  8. Dew Point has reached 80, with a temp of 87 and a heat index of 101. I’m drenched.
  9. 80/77 before 8 AM, though that isn’t saying much considering the low was 76.
  10. 77/76 here, it feels like breath outside. High was 83.
  11. 92 here in the Bronx, 88 at home (down from 89).
  12. 86/70 (HI 90)....normal summer wx. Low 90’s here in CT.
  13. Last year on this day I hit 99°, with dews in the mid 70’s my heat index peaked at 115°. Currently 84/63, stark difference.
  14. Fastest temp change and pressure change in the (short) history of my PWS. Temp dropped as much as 5 degrees per minute during this free fall, and I’ve never seen the pressure do this.
  15. What a pleasant surprise: My weather radio has been dead silent for the last 2-3 years but it received an alert today, the alert is also stuck which is the only reason why I’m even able to see this. I wonder if this is a sign that KWO35 is undergoing testing at its new location, I hope so.
  16. Literally just came down this street, trees still there. In my immediate area I mainly see downed branches, debris, and flooding, core of the storm did go right over this area as well. Lol I missed what would’ve been my first legit severe thunderstorm, should’ve stayed home today.
  17. Oh man. My plants are toast. Edit: PWS showing 2” per hour rates and the temp nosedived 20 degrees, Christ.
  18. Of course....the one time I’m not home a severe thunderstorm would be barreling in. And the best part of the storm is taking direct aim. I literally just complained about this sort of thing yesterday.
  19. Looks like it turned a bit and is heading towards Riverhead. 84/66 at home. Edit: It’s absolutely pouring, rain falling sideways. Veryyy windy at the onset.
  20. East New York. Now storms are moving into Suffolk from the north but they’ll slide to the east of where I live, and to the west of where I am right now. Another miss lol.
  21. I’m neither north shore or south shore and the “meat” of every storm seems to slide to my north and/or south. I can’t recall a time where I was hit head-on while living here (1.5 years).
  22. Was sandwiched between both cells in Brooklyn, all I got was large rain drops. The LI curse follows me everywhere.
  23. 87/74 (HI 95) at home. 91 and less humid in Jamaica, storms clearly visible from here.
  24. I’m almost directly underneath that line. Looking west: A thin stripe of cloud going on for miles. Edit: Temp dropped to 90 and the dew point spiked back through the 70’s. 90/75/101.
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