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Everything posted by Cfa

  1. I’m currently in Bohemia, a good 15-20 miles ESE of the action and clouds are quickly enveloping the sky from the northwest. Temp steadily dropping as a result, now 87/74.
  2. First official heat wave for me. 93, 98, 92 (so far).
  3. Almost identical here. 90/80/108
  4. 78 here after a high of 98.
  5. These clouds are killing me. Go away.
  6. Temp dipped to 96.5 but is now back up to 98.1, sea breeze overhead. My DP is 78 which I know is likely overdone despite the ground being saturated. That 98.4 is going to annoy me to no end of this remains as the yearly max. Makes me want to switch to Celsius lol.
  7. Wasn’t expecting to make a run at 100 today, I was thinking 95-96 at most. High so far is 98.4, I hate temps ending in .4 more than I hate 89’s.
  8. Definitely yearly max territory, I haven’t hit 98 since 2019. 2020 & 2021 maxed out at 97. 2018 I got up to 99.3, just shy of 100.
  9. 98 now. Sea breeze encroaching, not that it matters anymore.
  10. 96. Keeps flirting with 97 and then backs off. Sea breeze has reached the LIE.
  11. 95 here. Might make a run at upper 90’s today.
  12. Topped out at 93. Low was 71.
  13. Should OKX be the dividing line between eastern and western LI?
  14. 1.20” earlier, nothing for the last several hours except some distant rumbles of thunder.
  15. 77/77. I need to get a lotto ticket.
  16. This confirms what I experienced in Coram. Looks like a microburst. I need to save my dash cam footage before it gets written over.
  17. Plant racks at Home Depot flipped over, small and medium-sized tree branches down, tons of leaf litter. Winds may have been higher than 50mph, honestly. May have been a mini downburst of some sort. Lasted maybe 1:30 to 2 minutes. The one time I don’t have my Kestrel on me I get smoked.
  18. I got blitzed. For once I was in the very core and not just scraped/missed. Two hail cores. Hail was larger than pea size, closer to but slightly smaller than 0.5”, I rolled the window down to confirm it was actually hailing (because hail hates me) and hail flew inside the car, unfortunately I couldn’t get any pics as I was driving. It was sunny almost the entire time. I’d estimate winds gusted to about 50-ish mph for a time. Traffic lights were flying around and leaves were flying everywhere. Whiteout conditions backlight by sunshine. Very weird storm, didn’t see any lightning, just some strong rumbles of thunder. This is my 2nd ever hail event, both occurring this year.
  19. It just poured out of nowhere for a minute and then stopped. That cell looks to be headed my way (knock on wood).
  20. 87 here after a high of 90. Low was 68. My two hottest days of the year are both in May still: 95.9 on 5/31 93.4 on 5/22 93.0 on 7/13 (yesterday)
  21. 93/68 here. First 90 of the month.
  22. Currently 82/69, low was 70. Watching videos from College Park, MD yesterday and it hits me that I’ve only had like 1 or 2 thunderstorms so far this year, and it’s July. I don’t know if it’s just a Long Island thing but I don’t think I can ever get accustomed to this. It’s basically Los Angeles with humidity.
  23. Five 90’s so far, three 89’s, no heat wave yet.
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