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Everything posted by Cfa

  1. Meanwhile it looks and feels like spring in eastern Suffolk.
  2. Squall line was short lived in Riverhead, sun’s back out again out with very tiny hail still falling. Temp is 48. Winds picking up again after a lull. I was in Costco and the rain/hail was so loud you could hear it inside despite all the commotion. This is my 3rd time seeing hail this year, after not having seen any ever before this year.
  3. 0.55” event total so far. Currently 49, down from 58. Pressure is 985 mb. Lowest I’ve seen in a while.
  4. Arctic air out of the WSW just sounds so wrong.
  5. I’d rather it be mild too, it’s the extreme cold that I hate, but knowing there’s a warm up on the other side of this cold takes the sting out just a little for me. I expect to see many more potholes after this rain + deep freeze, which always sucks.
  6. We get a decent wind event associated with the most potent front in a very long time, followed by a much needed mid-winter warm up (the best kind). Winter’s treating me nice so far.
  7. Not trying to rain (pun intended) on anyone’s parade here but I invite everyone complaining about the lack of snow and brutal cold before the arrival of astrological winter to take a gander at every other climate located between 40-41°N, coastal or inland, and find one (that’s not at a ridiculous elevation) that’s appreciably better for snow. Only Japan really stands out and it’s entirely due to a lake-effect on steroids phenomenon with the Sea of Japan + East Asia being colder, an anomaly. Interior North America is colder with mostly similar snow totals, East Asia is colder but much drier, then there’s California, Iberia, the Mediterranean and western Asia which are generally milder at similar elevations. You’d be hard pressed to find a climate as variable as ours at this latitude in either hemisphere. If the Appalachians weren’t so old and weathered things would look incredibly different (warmer and boring) around here.
  8. 45 here. 1.11” event total so far. All light rain.
  9. Microscopic flurries in Stony Brook. First of the season.
  10. Dirty old snow/slush is the worst.
  11. NYC - 17” EWR - 19” MMU - 29” ISP - 18” SWF - 32”
  12. Winds beginning to roar overhead at times south of ISP, I can hear it from indoors. Roof is also creaking. Nothing major (yet, maybe?), but also not meh here on the south shore. My drive home shall be interesting.
  13. Temp jumped from the 20’s up to 35 here. Windy now.
  14. I hope this doesn’t hug the south shore too much. Needs to move a few miles north.
  15. A snow squall on 12/24/13 dropped roughly 5” in Central Suffolk in about 40 minutes, a rate of 6-7” per hour. Unfortunately this is somewhat unofficial since ISP only recorded 1.7”, I was northeast of there. I’d never seen snow accumulate that rapidly.
  16. I’m just gonna pretend that I didn’t read the last couple of pages. Today felt colder than it actually was.
  17. 44 in Jamaica but 39 in Flushing. Still plain rain.
  18. Plain rain in Queens. Temp is 44.
  19. 32 here. Low of 30. First freeze.
  20. They’re not issuing anymore frost/freeze advisories outside of NYC, Hudson, and southern Nassau because the growing season “ended”, even though it largely didn’t for LI. My northern Suffolk basil bush is untouched and still blooming, the bees have been happy. No freeze yet, not even a hard frost.
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