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About Cfa

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Suffolk, NY (Pine Barrens)
  • Interests
    Climate. Weather. Ecosystems. Botany. Photography.

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  1. Winds picked up quite a bit with this line moving in (down here in LI anyways), went from a gentle breeze to fairly windy in minutes.
  2. Sun’s out near ISP, for now, hopefully this squall doesn’t die out like every thunderstorm does here.
  3. Winds are reaching the surface in these showers. Dead calm when it isn’t raining.
  4. Snowing moderately in Yaphank.
  5. Graupel on the ground. I didn’t see it fall.
  6. Today: 0.77” and counting 8/20 to 11/20 (93 days): 0.74”
  7. Brush fire in Coram (Suffolk) right now:
  8. 70 degrees with a Red Flag Warning and Freeze Watch at the same time, I feel like I’m in the Great Plains.
  9. One of my thermometers dipped to 31 while the other stayed above freezing. TBH a hard freeze (28) should mark the end of the growing season, my potted vegetables and plants are fine.
  10. 80/62 today, very June-like but with low humidity. Fire department was in different spots along the edge of the woods near me earlier, wouldn’t be surprised if something was on fire there given how dry it’s been.
  11. November starting off with a low of 62 here, well outside of the heat island.
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