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About frazdaddy

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Two Rivers Farms ,Moncure N.C.
  • Interests
    Weather,horses,trains, cycling and Koi fish

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  1. Some of those drainage systems are still damaged from Ian.
  2. That’s asking a lot from local Leo during a natural disaster. They are spread pretty thin.
  3. https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/203f772571cb48b1b8b50fdcc3272e2c
  4. Her whole statement was very clear and concise.
  5. Charles is accepting new members.
  6. Got family and property on Sanibel and Ft Myers. Ty for this.
  7. Those airframes are built for the stress but those pilots, wow
  8. We got nothing compared to folks west of us but that last band was stout. This is runoff in my back pasture dumping into the pond. 18” deep at the fence.
  9. Looks like a giant aquarium , very cool.
  10. We had relatives calling us from around the country asking if we were going to stay for the storm.
  11. Just built a concrete pool into the side of a hill. We shall see how well my French drains I designed and built behind the walls work. Good luck to you sir.
  12. Wife flew out of Ft Myers late today. Very bumpy ride.
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