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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Noticeable thickening of cloud deck the last 15 min. Wont be long. Gonna climb the roof and get a look west to North Mountain to see when it crosses the range!
  2. Anything over 4" is a good storm in my book. Always been my benchmark. And anything over 6" is a big storm. Don't know about the latter, but the former appears within reach. Add in the cold temps and this could be a great event.
  3. If that happens AND WSW verifies it goes down with Dec 19, 2009, for me. The night of the epic Christmas storm when dallas beat the undefeated saints..... also on a Saturday night! Obs: 26 / 17 30.47
  4. Hopefully, it starts in the daytime in order to put down a good base.
  5. 27 / 14. Beautiful stars and waxing crescent moon. Patchy high clouds over spreading. Would be a great night for the firepit, but dont want to add any heat to the environment!
  6. Where's the snow? Nothing. Bust. Snokone, or whatever his name is, was right.
  7. When would we ever again see 3 feet of snow and temps that stayed below freezing for a week, and in low sun season? The answer: never. '96 eats snowmageddon and defecates PD1 and 2.
  8. We'd be remiss if we failed to mention the great cirrus storm of December 2018. What a storm!!
  9. It was tough sledding this morning. Literally.
  10. Cirrus came in like a wall. Hot and heavy. Sky caved almost immediately! Nino Cirrus storms are the best!
  11. The C in HECS stands for cirrus, right?
  12. Purchased mine in Nov. 15, ahead of the super Nino. Came in extremely handy that next Jan. Spent the entirety of that Sunday clearing out mine and my neighbors houses. Its been parked in my garage since, collecting dust. Each fall I drain the oil and replace, fire it up and test it. Each winter it sits undisturbed. Used once in 3 years now.
  13. Maybe it's time to root that northern vortex south enough to give some snow.
  14. Wow. I have almost 9 inches this month alone. What is your "normal" 12 month total?
  15. What is the record for latest first freeze? It might be in jeopardy. ETA: I see the 6z tries to break down the ridge by h288. Probably just another d12 head fake.
  16. DCA: 11/21 BWI: 11/7 IAD: 11/7 RIC: 11/21 TIEBREAK: 4.1"
  17. My yard is mostly brown. The drought is back. And as today's futility has proven, it's only getting stronger. Long live the Shenandaoh Valley Desert.
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