Forecast today suddenly up to 86 and 94 tomorrow. Since we almost always exceed forecasted temps, we will be 95F in mid september. Some places probably will be upper 90s. Unreal. What a God-awful region we live.
I always get a laugh when someone in mid to late august posts that, after a nice 384hr run, "summer is over" or "it's back is broken". The sad reality is that it is summer here until mid October.... at least.
58F for the low. 82F yesterday.
This was one unimpressive cold front. We went from +15F all the way down to +1F. And in 2 days we'll be right back to +10F. Summers here just drag on and on.
And the 6Z GFS is a disaster unless you are @subtropics.
Went up on Skyline Drive this afternoon. Car thermometer dropped to 64F at Compton Gap. It was incredible. Also saw a momma bear and her 4 cubs. My girls were thrilled. Great day up there.
Lol. You all are in mid winter form.
Policing rational thought and posts in a thread with this subtitle - much less started by JI- is a little much dont you think? Perhaps by looking at the calendar and seeing an 8 at the beginning of the date might be a clue that the post was in jest.