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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. We can limit our risk of infection and still continue to live. The mass sickness risk to healthcare system is real and not being argued at this time.
  2. Well, it's not a 1 to 1 comparison. Just trying to point out that there is a risk calculus that must happen with COVID-19, because the IR is never gonna be zero. And just because people realize this doesn't mean they want granny to die.
  3. Agree...for the most part. But there will come a point when the balance will tip and we will have to move on.
  4. But the mortality rate is a % of the infected population. Changing the population changes the # of deaths, but doesn't necessarily change the mortality rate. We have a lot more control over the spread of this disease, and whether we get infected, than we do over the safety of a city bus, train, aircraft, or even an uber....among other things.
  5. The fact is that these are risks. As is travel to work, to vacation, to see loved ones. Cops, policemen, construction workers, etc face physical risks in their jobs every single day. Surgeries. Alcoholic beverages and junk foods. The list goes on and on. Each poses risk to us....every day. Yet, we willingly continue to face these risks.
  6. Definitely possible. Though I dont know how that would necessarily affect mortality rate, certainly reduces infection rate. But it's also likely the true mortality rate is lower as many get infected but had mild, or no, symptoms; thus, never get tested. And we still have many other environmental and specific job related risks that we face every day.
  7. Flus that kill 18000 people every year....SARS, MERS, etc. There are many contagious diseases that kill many people every year. This is worse than these, but is hardly our sole risk. Yet, we continue to live our lives, because we deem the rewards worth the risk. The calculus may change with this one, but to argue there is no calculus with a disease that has a mortality rate of less than 1% for those of healthy working age is a bit ridiculous.
  8. And why is that? What makes this different from many other communicable, or environmentally-acquired, diseases we risk exposure to in the course of our daily lives? What about the risks of travel and other job hazards? We can assign risk/reward to those, but not this?
  9. Yeah, behaviors and culture will likely change a bit. Mass travel and venues will be the most affected IMO. Travel and entertainment may need to adapt.
  10. This perception that some magical cure treatment, or vaccine, is needed before economic activity can resume is pure fiction. No one shuttered their businesses out of fear of the virus; they were forced to by a government. Most people are not shuttered in their safe spaces out of fear of the virus; nothing is open for them to go do.
  11. People will adapt. Whether face masks become the norm, or not, people will quickly get on living.
  12. Have you been to Lowes recently?
  13. I'll need a new screen name.
  14. Pretty intense storms. Lightning especially.
  15. Ever hear of a thing called the Plague(s), or smallpox?
  16. So terribly sorry to hear that. Prayers for comfort for you and your family.
  17. What is your plan for cooling the atmosphere?
  18. I'll take that. Anything to delay the start of mowing season right now.
  19. The perk of these trips is suppliers tend to lavish us with great dining experiences. Not the same as takeout or delivery. Oh well. I feel badly for all the staffs of these places that now have impacted incomes. Talking to some last night who had no idea what was in store for them.
  20. If rooting had any effect on the weather, then you'd be having to exit your home from the second story windows right now. I think it's safe to root for whatever weather you want without affecting anyone else or spreading Corona.
  21. Very sorry for your loss. Prayers for peace and comfort for your family. And 33F and rain is a pipe dream. Global warming and all..... 37F and rain now.
  22. I did. Been at the new place since March 4. Definitely, yesterday a perfect example. Also had several snow showers there a couple days after we moved in. Several days coming home to wet ground when it was dry at work.
  23. I'm in Mass for the week for work. Gov just ordered all restaurants closed. This is gonna suck.
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