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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Snowing here at nearly 2 pm on May 9th. Unreal.
  2. I'd imagine bars, restaurants, theatres, as well as venues will take some time for people to feel safe enough to venture. But there are lots of people out shopping.
  3. Go to Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Target, or any nursery and come back here and tell us what you see.
  4. Lol. That's too funny. I'm actually watching it right now. Some humans really do crave subjugation.
  5. Sorry to hear that. Prayers to her for a speedy recovery.
  6. I hate the wind, but grateful for the cool air. We are running out of time for these dry air, bug-free days. I'll happily take them. Would love a good hard freeze to slow the grass and maybe kill off some insects.
  7. True. As well as sensible hygiene practices and/ or use of PPE.
  8. No chance. Americans have long lost their appetite to cook for themselves. I do think you'll see the continued expansion of meal delivery for the next couple years though.
  9. You may want to compare our mortality rates to other countries.
  10. And for your reference, that may be an even higher rate than COVID if you are of healthy working age in the US. And since they're contagious, and not random, there are actually ways of reducing the risk of infection.
  11. It's been almost steady flurries and/or light snow showers for the past 3 hours. Definitely not in Stephens City anymore.
  12. Mine is not, because I decided a while back that the risk (fall of an all-time high market) was not worth the reward for me, so I went into stable value funds. But, I am concerned for every one else that may face an uncertain future. I'm using this as an opportunity to begin buying shares in stock funds again, although my company just suspended matching funds until the end of the year. I'm lucky so far; I still have a job, but I'm sure bonuses for this year are gone. Better. Well, what is the mortality rate in your hypothetical scenario?
  13. There are many contagious diseases. Does (or did) anyone ever leave their house?
  14. His point was you could make them 25mph zones in order to reduce traffic deaths to very low, but we don't (haven't) because the reward (lower deaths) isn't worth the risk( damage to economy, less freedom to travel, etc.).
  15. You realize that the interstate system was designed to speed the transport of goods and services, right? It's vital to the economy and a point of competition between economies.
  16. Well, the elderly shouldn't have had much stock exposure in their 401k in the first place. But this notion of shaming people for being concerned about it is laughable.
  17. Be careful. You're in danger of being accused about being concerned about your 401k and the welfare of your family.
  18. All I can say is go back and look at my original post.
  19. Thank you. I understand numbers and math.
  20. I said no such thing. I said it was ridiculous to suggest there is no calculus involved in the recovery from this. There is always a calculus...in almost everything we do. Life is an endless string of risk/reward decisions based on imperfect circumstances and options.
  21. Agree with you. But, as I said initially, there is a calculus.
  22. That is not my argument, and you know it. I work from home now from the most part. But, I go into the office when I must and continue to grocery shop with sensible precautions.
  23. Correct. We cannot stop the economy forever and force everyone into starvation. At some point, we will calculate the risk is worth the reward and move on.
  24. 38000 annual deaths by auto accidents in US. 523 air craft deaths in 2018 (cant find numbers from 2019). How much control do you have over the operation, production, and maintenance of said buses, trains, cars, or planes? Yet, you ride in them, despite knowing there is a non-zero chance it results in your death.
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