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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. I feel your pain. It's the same script every time.
  2. Sprinkles. Not even drizzle. Decent cells passing just to my south as per usual. Now to watch the strengthening as it heads east.
  3. Thanks for that. Looks very bleak for us out here then.
  4. So, is the development supposed to occur after the passage of the remnant line of the MCS now just to the west? Because that line looks like a weak POS. As usual, the thinnest, weakest, and most disjointed part of the line is aimed right at me.
  5. Then they need to extend that area over my yard.
  6. I'd give a kidney for 5" in a month. I dont have 5" since May 3rd.
  7. Got another shower last night. Dropped another .06", while PWS 1/2 mile away got .28". I cant wait to see how I fail again today. I miss Stephens City.
  8. Got excited by radar that showed a small, but red/ orange cell that bullseyed my house around 5 pm. Got home at 7 to find literally no trace and .05" in the bucket. I swear to Christ this place....
  9. Good thing I got lots of hot, dry, sunny conditions the last 2 days (give or take 3 months) to prepare for the coming hot, dry, sunny period.
  10. Typical. Line of storms in SPA heading into NMD, more storms for those parched areas of Central VA that have only had 2 feet+ this summer so far, and a few storms to my NW drying up into desiccant on my doorstep.
  11. Fortunately, I've not seen them here. I have no choice but to head straight to the shower; I look like a coal miner at the end of his shift when I'm finished.
  12. I mowed yesterday for the first time in 5 weeks, just to knock down the patches of weeds that were able to sprout up. Scenes straight out of 1930s dust bowl. Had to stop to put on a dust mask and glasses to help keep it out of my eyes. When I was done I was covered head to toe in crusted dust as it mixed with sweat. Miserable. Good to see we are now entering a "dry" period.
  13. Too cold. Lol. You should be forced to give up your name.
  14. Hit flush by that stratiform drizzle band, of course. Add another .03".
  15. Huge storm headed right for me. Hard right turn and passed just south. Scraped by the edge as it roared by. Another .10". .13" total. What a day. 3 for 3. Unreal.
  16. Split and miss #2 on the day. Textbook. Did pick up .03" out of this one. Gulley is now washed, I suppose.
  17. I'm not sure, but probably more than the 4" I've had since May 3rd.
  18. First split and miss of the day. Think I'll get a head start and go ahead and water the garden.
  19. Indeed. Off to a horrendous start though. Complex of storms rolled thru all around me last night. Never got a drop.
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