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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. I've not seen a temp higher than 94F since I moved here....before yesterday's 99F. 89F today at freaking 11 AM. And the DP is 72F, yesterday was in mid 60s. And without a doubt another 2-day stretch of storms sliding to my north and south, before pounding all points east. Hooray.
  2. I have 0" for the month of Aug. Since the 1.1" that fell on July 10 (I believe), I have received .3". Good thing I was flooded with 3" over the 9 weeks previous to that to get me through the dry spell. Loved driving through puddles for 30 miles home the past 2 days to see them disappear instantly when I get 1/2 mile from my driveway. Thats almost as pleasurable as driving through the green pastures and see them turn into cinder-grass (yes, I just coined that term) just as quickly.
  3. Missed every single cell/ line. And they were every where the last 2 days. A perfect 0 - for.
  4. Radar is lit everywhere except.......
  5. Check that: missed to the north and south twice each today.
  6. And now storm miss to the south. Check. The day is complete.
  7. Completely clouded in to make absolutely sure no storms form here again today.
  8. It's truly remarkable. Exemplified by yesterday evening's storms, it's a completely different world just a mile or 2 to my east and southeast. Storms hit - and miss - the same spots over and over again. My grass was burned up by the end of May. Neighbors' gardens fried. They eventually just gave up, as have I, trying to water. It's hopeless. My pumpkins were mostly duds thanks to the lack of rain and my corn never made it. I only continue to water the maples I planted last year and the landscaping I've added since. Too much invested there to lose.
  9. Lol. Storm formed literally 200 yards east of my house. Then slid SE and formed a nice cell getting ready to pound Winchester again.. Weather station 1/2 mile away has .17". Not a drop here.
  10. It's better than continuing to suffocate in dust as DC and subs get another 3" of rain.
  11. I was far more anxious driving to the Alpine visitor center in RMNP. That stretch of Trail Ridge Rd left me a bit sweaty.
  12. Did that 2 years ago. It was a bit unnerving in a couple stretches. No way I could be a passenger.
  13. It's great if the most interesting weather to you is the passage of dry, windy cold fronts and gale- force winds under bright, sunny skies. Actually, its decent in winter in keeping snow. But, it is dry, dry, and dry during the summer. Absolute dearth of t - storms out here.
  14. Wait a minute, I thought this was a cool summer??
  15. Lol. Another day, another goose egg.
  16. Doesn't matter for us out here. Each is another screw job.
  17. No, it actually fell from the sky. Counted 6 or 7 drops on the top of my head. Tied for the 4th biggest event of the summer.
  18. Felt a couple sprinkles earlier while I was outside watering the garden.
  19. The models show another goose egg out here, so you can bet they're dead- on.
  20. I dont ever recall disparity to this degree. Where areas in the region have had feet of rain in a single month and some areas almost none.
  21. And the next batch coming through WVA heading to the south too. That's a wrap. 0.00" on the day. Again.
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