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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Don't worry, it's all going to plan. All along, it was modeled that we'd waste half of the .3" qpf we get out of this storm on rain and white rain.
  2. Switch over to light snow. Doesn't matter. 35F, sun up, bare ground. White rain.
  3. Wow. I didn't expect this. Now my Cowboys are the longest running team in the conference to not reach a title game. And Daniels has as many playoff wins in 2 weeks as Trash Prescott has in 9 years. Nice job, Jerry. Fucking clown.
  4. I will be shocked if I get more than 2" from this. You're always several degrees cooler than me here so you may do ok.
  5. The clouds parted today to allow the torch, and now that the sun is down they return to keep me warm tonight.
  6. Well, the first prerequisite for a winter storm here has been met: the day-before torch. 50F here, blazing sun, and not a flake of snow left except piles and in some well-shaded areas. Never fails.
  7. My yard would like a word with you.
  8. Its 45F today and warmer tomorrow. If there is morning sun on Sunday, were going to need QPF rates to save us.
  9. With light snow it will. During Jan 6 storm with light snow at 29F, plowed sections of parking lots and streets and my shoveled sidewalks and driveway melted that afternoon prior to the late afternoon/evening ULL snow. Granted, I had episodes of filtered sunlight. But if we get a .3" qpf storm and warm ground leading in, my expectations are very low. But, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised by qpf rates for once.
  10. Not to mention this is falling in the afternoon with max solar insolation. .3" QPF, even if we get it, is going to be a very minor event. Honestly, not getting the enthusiasm for this system. But, as always, hoping for the best.
  11. Frigid snowy winter.
  12. It was snowing hard in winchester about an hour ago. Beautiful parachutes. Left costco and there was about 1/2" of slushy snow on cars, patches on asphalt, and whitened ground. Continued snowing nicely until i hit stephens city limits. Snow tapered to very light fine flakes per normal and there was nothing on the ground. Got to my house and the driveway wasn't even wet. Truly the armpit of VA.
  13. Our standard .1" event. Maybe we can get 40:1 ratios.
  14. I would rather get crushed. Lol. But it ain't happening.
  15. Lol in the PBP thread. The Euro just popped everyone's balloon. The year of the dusting continues.
  16. Saturday. Warm, chance of showers.
  17. Lol. This POS wave gives me 5" of snow and I'll run naked through the streets.
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