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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. We just need to move to the polar vortex. What is that address?
  2. Was just going to post the exact same thing. Lol. How's the house coming?
  3. @Maestrobjwa I'll add an option 5 to Terp's list above, and it's the easiest of the options: 5. Make a 3 hour drive to Davis or Deep Creek.
  4. Not quite the stuff of my dreams, but we did have a White Christmas out here. Barely, but I'll take it.
  5. Low of .1F. Almost got there! Merry Christmas, everyone!
  6. Getting nuked with the anafrontal. Scattered flurries and temp down to 28F.
  7. Flipped over to sleet here after a few minutes with tennis ball-sized flakes. I'll call it 2.5". Nice surprise. Now, we pray it can survive the rain until the front gets here.
  8. Snow has picked back up. It's reached sledding depth. Just gorgeous right now. God let this continue! 
  9. If either of those verify, I'll do naked snow angels in the snow. And be the jolliest asshole this side of the nut house.
  10. Warm rain, frozen mud, and shredded Christmas decorations scattered over the property. Hooray.
  11. These maps are lol. The very rare anafrontals that ever work out for anyone only workout for areas east of the Blue Ridge.
  12. Epic pattern realized! Now wait for the reload!
  13. It's really passed time that this place is turned into condos for purchase. Paying daily/weekly rental rates is too expensive for a place you know you'll be 4 months out of the year. Maybe you can VRBO it during the summer to the SVRWx weenies.
  14. Where's Phineas? Warm wet / cold dry As reliable as the sunrise.
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