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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. .05" deluge last night. Enough to turn the 1/4-inch of pollen covering everything to a nice hardened coating.
  2. Ran into a grass fire along 522N headed home Wednesday evening that required a 911 call. Yes. A.grass. fire. In April. Unreal.
  3. House rattling gusts. Patio furniture and welcome mats have caved.
  4. 76F here. Wtf? Winds howling. But DP down to 29F. I assume that takes care of any threat of T storms. Although we should be able to snow with the front when we wet bulb. Lol.
  5. It is the absolute worst of weather. I'd rather have 1 month straight of triple-digit heat than this shit.
  6. Apparently California, Nevada, and Utah, since they're setting snow records every day.
  7. I know I would. The problem there is that the summer is opposite of that. And that'd be miserable.
  8. Low of 20F. Wow. And a windy 20F at that. I wasn't paying attention, apparently, was it forecasted to get that cold last night?
  9. Sick to death of this fucking wind.
  10. Instant stickage once the sun set. Everything is white.
  11. Eh, it didn't last very long. Snow TV. Oh well. I was hoping for one last sledding opportunity with the kids at this house; doesn't look like it's in the cards.
  12. I think this is my first ever thread. Can a mod pin this? When those flakes start flying this thread be the hottest ticket in town.
  13. And the one to the NW, right over my house.
  14. That snowpack building in the NE will pay us big CAD dividends next month. Our April rains will be a lot colder!
  15. Practically from equator to the north pole. We are cursed. Absolutely cursed.
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