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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. I've already got the sprinklers running.
  2. W nor NW flow obviously will do it. SW cannot do it. S flow can't get it done anymore. And now E flow can barely generate a cloud, much less a drop of rain.
  3. We are absolutely baking out here. Have been since the latter part of June.
  4. Forecast of clouds, showers, high of 79F. And once again....bright sunshine and already 82F at 11AM.
  5. At this point, I'm just rooting for some clouds.
  6. Got .12" from the early morning disappearing MCS. Barely even a cloud the rest of yesterday with yet another cool, comfy high of 98 in the year of no summer. We really are going to go through entire MET summer with less than 4.5" of rain. Unreal. Jun: 2.25" Jul: 1.41" Aug: 0.63"
  7. Comical watching systems literally evaporate into thin air over us.
  8. Drove through this weekend; Strasburg and Middletown in Southern frederick County is somehow even browner than here. It looks really bad.
  9. And stephens City recorded partly cloudy skies.
  10. It is nice as hell out this evening. Just spectacular.
  11. Confirmed via PWS not even 1/2 mile away. OKV is not stephens city.
  12. I was in southern VA yesterday afternoon. 89F in Martinsville. 88F in Afton. No problem reaching mid 90s out here. 93F at 7PM when I got back. Hell-hole.
  13. 53F for the low. Last night was as good as Aug can get.
  14. Yeah, it's doing a great job so far. Prepare yourself for another season of coastal scrapers.
  15. And guess which side we'll be on.
  16. All areas out here will be very soon. I'm surprised it hasn't already happened. This is the worst I've seen. After this next brutal hot, dry stretch coming up this entire valley will be a dust bowl.
  17. I haven't seen rain even close to that intensity even once this year.
  18. Your area sounds eerily similar to mine. We are brothers in drought.
  19. What is maddening is that the pattern works fine 40 miles east and beyond. An area that technically also downslopes.
  20. Picked up .01" in that whopper of a split/skip. Add that to the .10" DOA storm from Friday night, that brings Aug to .51". With no chance again until Thursday - at the earliest, this truly is looking worse than July. June - 2.25" July - 1.41" Aug - .51"
  21. Yeah, this continued pattern is a disaster for us.
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