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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Good God, another perfect split job, east and west. What a fucking kick in the nuts today has been.
  2. Another train setting up east of Front Royal. Can here the thunder from here. What it must be like to actually have that happen. All day long, train west....train east. Recorded .03" this morning, nothing since.
  3. Today is Futility Friday. Everything just to west. Now watching and listening to another storm literally a 1/4 mile away. Now safely nestled between storms just west and east of me. Oh, joy.
  4. .94" from this afternoon's storm. Which is 50% more than I received the entirety of August. Pray for more tomorrow. 9/6: .13" 9/7: .94"
  5. Woo hoo! Finally got one. I had to watch it from work on my ring cam, but it was the first of the summer. Friend just down the road had hail. I couldn't tell from the camera if I did or not, but I did see my Fall decorations scatter in the wind. And flowing water. Flowing water, I tell you!!
  6. Picked up .13". Not much, but I guess it at least saves one night of watering. 2 PWSs just south of me in Middletown got .84 and .98. That area has been hard hit with drought too. Great night for them. I don't know what it's going to take to get me a significant rain event.
  7. That looks to die. The one that got me was very impressive for lightning, but again, could not generate anything but light rain. Moderate rain, but light for a thunderstorm. Incredible for the amount of lightning it's producing.
  8. Nice storm popped just to my SW. Constant lightning. Headed straight at me and made a 90 degree right turn to slide south of me. The forcefield is impenetrable. At least someone in the area is getting rain. ETA - I'm getting scraped at least. Some rain is falling.
  9. Yes it is. But we're also closer to the incoming midwest heat dome. This has been the entire summer out here. We're hotter than the UHI almost every day. Our summer has been nothing like DCA's. 97F high, at least I assume that'll be the high for today.
  10. Yet another 90F day here. 92F for the high. We will hit 100F tomorrow.
  11. GL trough sounds like a continuance of the same pattern of the summer. The usual areas will get storms, and the usual areas will miss.
  12. I have never seen it this bad in my lifetime here.
  13. This is what 4.32" of rain for an entire Summer looks like.
  14. 49F for the low out here in the desert. From the moon to the weather, last night was 5-stars.
  15. Surprised it took this long, but now add the town of stephens city to the list of locales declaring water emergencies.
  16. Wow, you did pretty well up there!
  17. Not me. You just exactly described the entire last 2 months here.
  18. Due so at the risk of your butt.
  19. The flood watch produced .03". Jun: 2.25" Jul: 1.41" Aug: .66"
  20. Minus some miracle tropical hail Mary storm, it is not raining here anytime before November. These fronts produce nothing, and the drier it gets the less chance that they will.
  21. All the rain today is to our west. All the rain tonight will be to our east. It never ends.
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