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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Yep, I'm good with this winter ending.
  2. And back to all sleet. And heavy sleet, so it's no longer because of light rates. This one is toast for Stephens City. Not surprising, went exactly how I thought it would.
  3. Well, it's a mix of sleet and snow. I got excited when I saw flakes and am taking a walk. But it's still at least 50% sleet.
  4. Sleet here. Started ro snow for a bit then precip stopped completely for 30 min. I'm sure we lost the wetbulbing of whatever level is screwing us, now we have to start over cooling from scratch. That's why these types of events are UDDER failures for Stephens City. It is impossible to keep any meaningful precipitation rates.
  5. Some sleet mixed in now with the light rain.
  6. Yes. There are many types of rain. Watch Forrest Gump.
  7. Raining here. Unreal. Couldn't even start as snow.
  8. There it is back to bullseying the wrong house!
  9. Bullseye over the right house this time. Lol.
  10. Right over top. Wouldn't that be a kick in the nutz.
  11. I'm back in stephens city now. My old place out in the Junction will probably do ok; I had 1,000' there and it was usually 3F colder than Winchester. In the low-lands of Stephens City and it's odd UHI, I'm ****ed. I was here for 10 years prior and I know exactly how these marginal events go.
  12. T - 2" in the Shen Valley 2 - 4" elevations > 1000 ft. Areas to the East - good luck. Mt. PSU could jack in the middle of the Sahara, so 6" for him. My first and final calls. Let's see how I do.
  13. Which, for this area, is equivalent to The Day After Tomorrow.
  14. It's right. It has just misplaced the decimal. Lol.
  15. A few flurries here this morning.
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