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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Apparently, VDOT hasn't seen it since then either. Such a ridiculous waste of money and environmental damage.
  2. They have brined the shit outta the roads here. Lol
  3. South of I-70 and east of rt 17 you mean. Because it was complete shit out here for snow.
  4. I lived in Front Royal back then. Measured 6" of powder. Temps in the teens. That was a really nice storm.
  5. Honestly, I hope so . Much rather have nothing than another 1-3" nuisance that only disrupts schools and work schedules.
  6. Another paltry qpf event here. .22"
  7. The same areas get screwed over and over again. It's really incredible.
  8. And there it is. The northern Shenandoah Valley will get another WWA storm.
  9. The Icon was a hairs breath from disaster out here.
  10. I'm at 12.7 inches for the year. 40% climo. Haven't seen a 6" snow fall in stephens city since Jan 2016 (when I was in cross junction I had 3). Seeing another storm fringe the NW zone is beyond frustrating.
  11. If this threat goes sideways (literally and figuratively) this forum is going full-on Captain America Civil War.
  12. Stephens City remains warm and dry during the Ice Age. Everyone will have to move there. It'll be just like that scene in the movie when we were all trying to get into Mexico.
  13. It's likely the 20th storm is the one that ushers in the Day after Tomorrow Ice Age that catapults society into chaos and disorder. In hopes of preventing panic, and preserve the little milk, eggs, and toilet paper left, the Illuminati sent a time traveler back to pull the Euro's plug.
  14. Indeed Feb '83. I remember the 11pm newscast that Thursday night. I beleive he was forecasting 6 - 8". But I distinctly remember him saying "kids, you better do your homework." I was so deflated. That next morning I woke up around 7 AM and there was probably 7 - 8 inches already on the ground. We ended up with 32" by 5 PM that day. And we didn't go back to school for a week.
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