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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. For Christsake, NWS forecast is now less than a tenth possible through Wednesday evening here.
  2. Don't worry, they have a gimme next week.
  3. Adding up the totals in my yard for August. Unprecedented. 8/1: .20 8/2: .03 8/3: .58 8/6: .02 8/7: 5.6 8/18: .88 8/29: 1.6 8/31: 1.6 Total: 10.51"
  4. Happy Autumn! Cooler and overcast this morning. The ground is a wet sponge. Summer, and this drought (in the northern Valley, at least), is over.
  5. 1.6", same as Thursday evening. What a great way to end summer. Ready for cornstalks, pumpkins, and colorful leaves.
  6. So weird. We couldn't buy a drop of rain all summer (and last summer too). It all changed with Debbie. Hopefully, some gulf lows are on tap for Fall to get the entire region a soaking.
  7. Getting nailed again. What a month! I'm over 9", easily. Hope this holds together for everyone.
  8. It is eerily similar to last summer, just switched September with August.
  9. Quite the interesting day. Overcast and relatively cool here. But, I was in Elkins today and it was completely sunny and a stifling 93F. Mostly clear skies until I crossed the mountain west of Wardensville. You could see the clouds banked up against those ridges as you approached Wardensville on the Corridor. Literally, 2 different climates today once you crossed that ridge. And it is still very dry to the west of that ridge.
  10. Looks like this storm is finally over. This was as fun as it gets, I'll tell you that. Almost 45 minutes of it. Over 1.5". This makes August the wettest month I've seen here. Over 8". Oddly, it only featured significant rain on 3 days.
  11. This storm just keeps going. Lots of thunder and strokes. Rain that pulses into torrents. Over an inch without question and pouring again. Best of the year, by a long shot.
  12. Storm blowing up overhead. Good one.
  13. Line 1 was an utter fail. Hopefully can salvage something from this event with line #2.
  14. On a scale of 1-10 for an August day, today was an 11. 71F when I left work at 5pm. Incredible.
  15. Not at all. And just in time for the weekend also.
  16. Kinda strange..... the radar showed the usual screw job for me. The actual storm skirting just to my north and another smaller cell to my south. However, the rain absolutely did not miss me. It poured to the tune of .87" with only just the light green returns overhead. I wonder just how accurate the placement of features are on radar?
  17. Best non tropical of the season here. By a long shot. Very heavy rain!
  18. Yep. Not a drop since last Friday. Nothing short of a tropical low moving up I-81 can produce rain here.
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