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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. Finished October with .55". It hasn't rained a single drop now in 28 days. That is astounding, especially for this time of year. And there is no chance in the immediate future. Unreal.
  2. Full sun here. Less humid than yesterday, thankfully .
  3. Mid summer heat and humidity again.
  4. 10 straight days with measurable rain. That has got to be a record.
  5. Agreed. It's the only month of the year that I'll root for sunshine.
  6. 1.89" from 9/23 to 9/30. 3.84" for the month. Wet last 1/2 of the month after a dry start.
  7. Got to be the worst precipitation to clouds ratio for any event ever. Lol. Other than the hot sunny Saturday, I really think it's been cloudy / drizzly for 10 straight days?? I need to go add everything up, but I don't think we got much over 1". I do have lots of mushrooms in my yard though. I was wrong...counting the .21" that must have fallen over last night, we got 2.1" since the 21st. Better than I thought.
  8. It's hard to beleive with that fetch of rain to the south that we're forecasted to get basically nothing.
  9. .41" overnight. I wasn't expecting anything. Looks like dry areas to the east got a nice surprise this morning.
  10. It was kinda surprising to see the southern valley areas do OK with this. Even here, there were solid storms just to my south. I knew I wasn't getting much when I saw that radar NW trajectory. For whatever ridge-effects, that never works here. But sometimes works just south and north of me.
  11. Good to see some needed rain for those of you in the southern Shen Valley and NE MD and DC burbs. Hopefully, another round or 2 this week.
  12. Yeah, those don't work for me either.
  13. Not much this time. Only .10". Good bit of thunder and lightning. Most of it looked to slide south of me.
  14. Ended up with 1.63" today. 1.79" for the event. Very good storm for us.
  15. Rain moving out now. 1.35" so far today. Wonder if more develops later. This area has been on a heater since early August. Feels weird to even say that.
  16. Nice shower just moved thru. .48" so far today. .16" yesterday.
  17. I'm in stephens city. Not terribly far away. Interesting.
  18. NAM 3K has 6" over me. And my NWS forecast is for less than a tenth. Apparently, we see what they think of the NAM.
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