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EastCoast NPZ

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Everything posted by EastCoast NPZ

  1. I got 12.7" of snow. Less than 50% of the "average" I haven't reached in a decade now. So, F. We did have periods of cold and no outrageous long periods of heat. So, B. But another season of very dry,going on year 3 of drought. So, F. Average it out: D
  2. It snowed here in mid april 2022. Got almost 3" at my house when I was living out in cross junction. I went hiking that afternoon to Eagle Rock in Star Tannery; there was at least 6" on the mountain.
  3. I've absolutely had enough wind for the remainder of my life. Just sick to death of it.
  4. Yeah, I remember that screwjob very well.
  5. This runoff holding pond in my neighborhood is at late summer drought levels right now. You can see where the water level was and should be in the winter and spring. Here we go again.
  6. I will finish below normal for snow for the 9th consecutive year and still not a 6" storm since Jan 2016.
  7. Yes. Bone dry here too since Jan. We'll enter droughtville again as soon as it warms up.
  8. As long as my work and kids schedule doesn't conflict, I'm in if there is ever a group chase there.
  9. Let me know! I can tell drought stories for hours, maybe days. Lol.
  10. Did you do an AB&B or VRBO? A chase up to that area is on my to do list.
  11. Perhaps we'll benefit from the nuclear winter.
  12. You'd think I have a secondary residence in central South Dakota.
  13. And centered exactly over stephens city.
  14. Dying. Lol Literally choked on my coffee.
  15. What a fucking waste of cold. Just tragic.
  16. Do you need clouds for snow? If not, i guess I still have a chance.
  17. Magic 8 ball probably. Just as accurate and costs just $8.99 at walmart.
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