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EastCoast NPZ

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About EastCoast NPZ

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Cross Junction, VA

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  1. As long as my work and kids schedule doesn't conflict, I'm in if there is ever a group chase there.
  2. Let me know! I can tell drought stories for hours, maybe days. Lol.
  3. Did you do an AB&B or VRBO? A chase up to that area is on my to do list.
  4. Perhaps we'll benefit from the nuclear winter.
  5. You'd think I have a secondary residence in central South Dakota.
  6. What a fucking waste of cold. Just tragic.
  7. Do you need clouds for snow? If not, i guess I still have a chance.
  8. Magic 8 ball probably. Just as accurate and costs just $8.99 at walmart.
  9. Apparently, VDOT hasn't seen it since then either. Such a ridiculous waste of money and environmental damage.
  10. They have brined the shit outta the roads here. Lol
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