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Everything posted by EasternLI

  1. I'll take the under on those temps for Suffolk county. Euro can be over done at this range with that. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it.
  2. Looks like a close miss here. Not by much. Whatever was left of it just skirted by to the west of me after this frame. Looks like it was dissipating a bit, but I'd rather not take my chances with a tree falling on my house anyway...
  3. Holy crap, just looked at the radar. It looks to pass very close to where I am possibly. Buckets of rain right now
  4. Yeah, I've noticed what is going on down there and I've been interested in seeing if there is any connection. I did find it interesting that there aren't many examples in the modern record of southern hemisphere ssw. I've been looking for paperwork on the subject but it seems to be a topic of current/future research. I did find an article that goes into a relationship. However it seems the relationship only pertains to October and February for the southern hemisphere to northern hemisphere connection. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2018GL081002
  5. @frd Give this paper a read. Backs up your thoughts WRT lag albeit a bit more of a lag, as it pertains to solar. Plus what immediate effect could be. Thought you might find it interesting maybe others would too. https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/qj.2782
  6. I agree with your main point here. It's November, right. The thing is, seeing blocking show up for the end of Nov. like this, is kind of what you want to see in a la nina. The ratter years, for the most part, didn't have it. That's what it's all about right now, at least for me.
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