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Everything posted by EasternLI

  1. 06 z euro looks good to me. 12+ just about all of LI. Heavy band starting to really come together now. Should be a fun several hours coming up. This thing was a cutter without the blocking. Be happy
  2. Light snow started in Riverhead at 10 pm. Feeling pretty good for at least a foot in this area.
  3. Haven't seen it mentioned much lately, but I think a lot of the blame for that this year falls on the SSW. I remember discussion about how it would be very problematic if the cold dump was on the other side of the pole. Well, it was. Which doesn't leave much to tap into on this side. Which is what we've been seeing.
  4. Eps overnight is now effectively advertising a transient period of favorability. With the ridging methodically retrograding to the dateline by the end of the run.
  5. Something is lurking out there around the 15/16th maybe. Looks cold after that with cross polar flow and -nao
  6. That's a solid winter pattern on the eps in the 10-15 day. 2nd half of the month looking very interesting. This is a 5 day mean.
  7. For December, top 3 looks like it's been; #1 Euro #2 UK #3 Canadian
  8. There actually is some cross polar flow into Canada on the eps. Starts building on the 14th. Looks -AO driven to me.
  9. Sure looks like its shaping up to be a very interesting 2nd half of winter.
  10. I like ensemble means at this range. They all seem to strongly suggest a close to benchmark system. The 18z gfs looks well within the spread of the individuals of ensembles. The other operational models too, for that matter. Will be interesting to watch unfold.
  11. That's one of the Singapore daily readings. Those are quite noisy from day to day. The graphic itself comes from the really nice NASA qbo page. https://acd-ext.gsfc.nasa.gov/Data_services/met/qbo/qbo.html
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