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Everything posted by EasternLI

  1. After a winter filled with nothing but fail. I'm pretty sure folks recognize that fail is a possibility. It's all everyone in here has been harping about constantly. At the same time, folks need to realize that a storm happening, is also a legit possibility. It's not only the gfs op showing that possibility FWIW.
  2. Getting some powerhouse looks at H5 on the models. Should be fun to track it this week.
  3. Yes, it's a valid period with some PNA amplification. All models showing some potential. Def worth watching.
  4. Gfs trying to cook up something at 18z again for same timeframe. H5 is loaded.
  5. This is a fine look at this time. There's room to work with this look at day 9. We take.
  6. I'll be interested in the ensembles. That's a legit timeframe which has been mentioned. Multiple models hinting at brewing up something. Keep an eye on that one.
  7. So the concern I brought up yesterday in regards to the February torch seems to have been reflected on some of the guidance today. Interesting.
  8. Yeah, I get it. My post following that one stated the support for that scenario to start February. I'm not arguing against it. I'm actually hoping that they have the right idea for the whole month. This winter has grown tiresome. Lots of wasted potential to date. In several ways. The jet retraction is really the driving force of the upcoming retrograde. It's pulling everything back west as it retracts IMO. There's very good agreement on that since it is happening in the nearer term. Beyond that, is where I have questions.
  9. I'm not sold on all of February totally torched yet. Even though I would not mind some warmer weather at this point at all. It's questionable. I agree. It's going to need to be monitored. The IO has warmed back up over the last several weeks. It's not as cut and dry as it might seem from where I'm sitting. Looking at it, I'm not really sure how much early February even torches. It's a phase 6 look to me to start. Which offers a western trough look, but also troughing in eastern Canada in La Niña February's. That would be a compression situation with any se ridging. That would not allow the ridging to be as effective as it otherwise could be in our area. There's some question marks here.
  10. To me, the upcoming jet retraction in conjunction with the upcoming tropical convective layout supports a western trough as we're beginning February. Beyond that, is a huge question mark from what I see right now. No confidence until future runs can provide more clarity.
  11. As much as I would not mind a torch February at this point, I can't put any faith at all in an extended mjo forecast. From any model. The euro weeklies are nothing more than an extended 00z eps run. Well looking through the individual eps members mjo forecast from today's 12z, which is newer, they are quite literally all over the map. That's a huge grain of salt for me. Huge. Even just two weeks out. Maybe it's right, but I can't put any trust in that when regular 15 day ensembles struggle mightily on the regular. For me, I have to take it two weeks at a time, max. Right now, probably even less seeing very little agreement between individual members currently.
  12. Not there yet, but definitely doing some training.
  13. If nothing happens before February. I'm with you. I've aways said something needed to come together in January. Watch, now we'll see a SSW in mid February and well have lousy weather until June. I'd prefer we fire up a snowman19 ridge and rip the bandaid off.
  14. Yep, need some sort of a phase with the northern stream to get the STJ to do anything for us up here. Between now and the end of the month there's still a chance of that. Although nothing looks overly exciting at the moment. I suspect the best chance is when that cutoff in the SW is ejected. Or as the ridge begins to retrograde near the end of the month.
  15. That was not a good 12z euro op run for Saturday. However the 12z eps look says that the period should not be ignored just because of today. Keep an eye on it for the time being. If it trends worse, it trends worse, but tomorrow is a new day.
  16. Yup, Gfs has the southern energy take vacation in Mexico. You don’t want that. But the northern stream component looked a little bit better. The euro used to be better with handling the southern stream and phasing. So we'll see if that's still the case. It needs to keep the same solution at 12z.
  17. I don't like the icon, but it did make the right move at 12z. Much better at 500 than 06z. Want to see gfs at least move in this direction. Doesn't need to come all the way around yet, but make the right improvements. Euro needs to stay locked in with its solution today.
  18. I couldn't agree more. I'm just not really looking at the long-term too much currently. With the weekend on the table. Even after the weekend, there's still some more good potential before February too. This will be interesting to monitor moving forward for sure though.
  19. That was definitely an improvement on the 12z NAM at 500mb. Not quite like the euro yet but definitely better. That's a start. Didn't head the wrong direction. Let's see what everything else does.
  20. I like that there's a nice cluster in a good spot west of the mean there. Still want to see some other guidance come around more. Zero confidence until that happens. The euro has been steadfast in wanting to phase. So we'll see. I feel like maybe the euro would be better in this type of situation, but who knows.
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