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Tyler Penland

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Everything posted by Tyler Penland

  1. Interesringly 0" of snow up on the Grandfather Ridge. Barely a dusting. About an inch of rime ice and hoarfrost on everything, though.
  2. Been sleeting on and off but now swapped over to very light snow.
  3. Why would they do that? Lol I just work out here. Running the dollar general (may as well be Walmart around here). I still live in the nw flow hole known as foscoe.
  4. Hiking. I've been up to rough Ridge several times in the snow (once with over a foot) and made it up to Top Crag once. Never been able to make the summit for one reason or another.
  5. Imma need just a hint of zr and a coating of snow on grandfather at least. I'm actually off on the day after a winter threat for once and I'd love to finally actually summit grandfather in the snow.
  6. Been dumping here on the TN line for the past hour. Went from barely a dusting on the grass to everything coated. Flake size increased as well like everybodu else is seeing.
  7. Big system looking beautiful tonight. Best of luck to everyone! First nw flow clouds blowing up along the TN line. It's about time winter showed up.
  8. 18z GFS shows another system around the 4th/5th. Been showing up on and off but I think this is the first run that shows it particularly wintry.
  9. NAM and GFS both showing some wraparound on the nor'easter overnight Monday. Could give the higher elevations another nice shot of snow.
  10. Unfortunately. Not my favorite store by any means. Hoping to find something a little closer to the house soon.
  11. Been flurrying at least all day on the TN line in elk park. Bout an inch or so on the grass. My parking lot is half ice ha.
  12. Had a little dusting in the protected areas around Tynecastle/Banner Elk this morning. Sugar Mt had the guns cranked up full blast.
  13. First flakes here in foscoe currently 36. Decent flurries when I left boone about 30min ago.
  14. Down 10 degrees on the TN line in the last hour at Elk Park. Let winter finally begin.
  15. Sunburst and lower graveyard falls were looking rather spiffy the other day. Also visited courthouse falls just up the road but that one has more rhododendron around it than anything.
  16. Here's a few. Sunrise from rough Ridge, a couple shots from Mitchell and Crabtree the other evening. The colors around banner elk today are fantastic. 194 between banner elk and Valle crucis is absolutely stunning.
  17. Just getting some edits done from Wednesday. Here's a neat shot. The skyline of Charlotte from Mt Mitchell. Takes very dry/clean/cool air to make it naked eye visible during the day. Around 90 miles or so. This was taken at my max of 200mm.
  18. Dang. Im gonna have to head up there soon. Babel Tower will be really nice next week I bet. Hopefully the winds don't strip the upper rim this weekend.
  19. Currently 34 and windy but the color is gorgeous from the black mountain crest. Next stop graveyard fields.
  20. Drove the parkway from Grandfather to Crabtree today and it's really looking pretty good. The area around Linville is the best right now (I think the gorge will be a great spot this year) but elsewhere it's spotty. Still a lot of green left and with the recent rain/cool weather there's some great potential in the 2000-3500ft range. Planning to hit sunrise on Grandfather somewhere tomorrow morning and then head down towards Graveyard fields during the afternoon. Hoping the wind isn't too terrible.
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