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About Bevo

  • Birthday 02/18/1975

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Lyman, South Ceezie
  • Interests
    Weather, Backpacking, Painting, Cinema, Music, Hockey and Football (US and UK versions), coffee and Scottish ales. I'm also quite involved in the study of language and dialects.

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  1. I absolutely love that @Brick Tamlandbrought this home. It's been years in the making!!!
  2. Good for you FL and Bayou folk! It's fun and I'm glad you get to say you're a part of history!
  3. Brick, you we're the hero we needed, not the one we deserved.
  4. Your drink looks better than mine but cheers anyway!
  5. Already outperformed last week in Moore, SC.
  6. Here's hoping I don't have to eat anything gross LOL.
  7. I stand corrected on this event. It looks like my instinct of a NW trend was wrong. I will commence with eating crickets or whatever gross thing you can think of. I know, I know...pics or it didn't happen.
  8. I feel like I can take on the world now! You give the best motivational speeches!!
  9. I think I would actually love to try something like that
  10. Yeah that has a lot to do with it. I mean, don't people move to the coast to get away from this LOL? You don't typically say "Hey - I love winter weather so let's plan a beach trip!".
  11. I volunteer as tribute. If there’s no NW adjustment at all then I will…I don’t know…eat something gross.
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