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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. They’re insane. The money they make is ridiculous. Plus they’ve got the million dollar farm in Woodstock, CT
  2. There will be days and days of 72-76 at places like BDL, TAN , Merrimack Valley etc .
  3. Its in Charlton. They’ve grown from a small barn in Brimfield 8 years ago to the largest brewery in the country and possibly globally. The place on the cape sounds like opening for summer 21
  4. You’ve been struck by a .... smooth criminal?
  5. LC Gonna have to deal with a rat - Spinazola
  6. I think you’re a big biker if I recall. I used to have high cholesterol years ago , but completely modified my diet and eat mainly healthy. Once I started running , the levels came down in combination with the diet . I avg 20-25 miles per week now. During my marathon days(I ran 7) , I was doing 45-55 miles per week. Point being.. if you modify what you eat and vigorously exercise , it’ll come down
  7. Precisely why I stick to only beer. You know exactly what you’re getting and how much you can drink
  8. Sounds absolutely terrible. That’s enjoyable?
  9. Being in medical sales has nothing to do with anything. Whatever industry one is/was in, if they had a 401k , they made money . I don’t know if people don’t realize it or just choose to ignore it, but Harris has said they are going to raise taxes. That’s part of the Dems framework . It’s not up for debate. So if someone voted for them, they chose to vote for higher taxes. And in turn , gas and oil prices will go up exponentially etc etc.
  10. He already has financially . That’s first and foremost. If Harris wins get ready for $4-5.00 gas prices again just for starters
  11. This is the basic answer you hear. You voted for someone because you didn’t like the other person. You didn’t vote for him because he is going to improve your life, your family etc.
  12. I often ask Biden supporters what they like about him. What is it that he will do for you ? How was your life made worse by Trump? I have yet to find someone that can answer those questions honestly. Yet on the contrary Trumps can cite several key issues how lives will change if Harris wins
  13. When it goes to courts... and it will... Trump should win. But , as we know.. shady things happen
  14. Worst case this goes to courts and when that happens.. Trump wins. It comes down to PA and MI. If they steal it or not
  15. It’s a glorious morning for many, many reasons! 28.7 currently. Now we furnace
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