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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Man.. what a day up there . Fun stuff for you guys
  2. You guys had a fun couple of days . We sure could use some relief south of Pike. In my 15 years in this house.. worst I’ve ever seen it far and away. Death surrounds us now
  3. Congrats to all north of and on Pike. At some point lucks gotta turn
  4. Yeah he was wasted early today. It’s day 3 of it with 2 to go
  5. Looks like sun coming out soon there . Families turning cars around taking brassieres and undies off children now that it’s warming up
  6. Mothers not packing any sweatshirts for children and only clean laundry left are undergarments so trying to wrap children in them best they can ?
  7. Glad we don’t live there. Sounds awful
  8. Much bruised up to where thy knickers meet knees
  9. Actually this year.. we might based on the furnaced fall look
  10. If Lauri goes NW .. Katy bar the door on drought.
  11. I saw Danny son had severe and that’s basically you so figured hammertime
  12. Looks like she wants to go NW of SNE leaving is warm and humid but not much rain. You may score
  13. You Q tip your ears and just all black. Maybe Tuesday we get some
  14. I mowed today just to even out the shady spots. Huge dust storm. Was covered in it. You blow your nose after and the Kleenex is black lol. We got 7/10’ed today
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