I have not touched it since. I was 8 when that life changing incident happened. Neither of my daughters eat it either. We leave the house when my wife makes it. Seriously
I do not eat any seafood. The smell and taste makes me nauseous. I caught a catfish with my grandfather on Lake Hopatcong in NJ where u spent every summer at their house as a kid. My grandfather skinned it and we ate it for dinner after my grandmother who was an unbelievable cook , fried it up for. I can remember this like it happened two minutes ago. I took one bite and swallowed and gagged immediately and threw up. Seafood to me is nasty. Enjoy it though to those that like it
Let’s really ramp up one of our strongest screamers on record. We’ve had some memorable ones in that timeframe . Several monsters screamers in early and mid 90’s . I recall one that had widespread 65-70mph gusts
The west to east flow is all Pacific air thru mid Dec. Without amplification in the east good luck getting snow anywhere unless ski slopes or under an ULL . Who cares if its in the low 50’s in Atlanta. The entire N tier is flooded with PAC puke
Man. Will went nuts on deleting solid posts.
This Dec reminds me of one a couple years ago when everyone got excited about a + PNA , but Canada never cooled . And then the pig came back and never allowed the cold into Canada. I forget the year, but this looks eerily similar
Nothing like a rainy , warm, humid Tgiving with temps and dews near or over 60 to get folks into holiday spirit. Looking out at green grass, rain coming down. Really warms the cockles. Homes will be like incubators.