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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Because it needs it terribly and helps new seed growth
  2. He carries a heavy webbed hand does Stein . He’s got us on lockdown
  3. I did and dropped fert last evening when the guys here guaranteed a soaking
  4. Stein staying thru winter. Mild and dry
  5. Torch from SW CT to the quiet corner and everyone in between. Torch! Yore!
  6. Ukie shows the Stein shafting perfectly. Crushed north of pike and south coast with little in between . Obviously noones taking qpf totals verbatim in summer convection .
  7. You do realize they’ve been showing that each and every event all summer right?
  8. I’m not saying no rain. What I’m saying is I feel as the look of this has much of C and N CT getting web handed by Stein. Like .10-.20 or something. Of course that wets the dust for the day but evaporates by noon the next day . You and Freak may be totally correct with your flood forecasts and jacks here.. I just see it being north and especially south coast
  9. So should I not water the seed today? You feel great about a soaker right?
  10. I see S coast jacking. And pike region . In between stein rams
  11. When the RPM and Euro agree watch out. The Euro has been absolutely awful this summer in Qpf. It’s given me about 2 feet of rain . This has south coast special written all over it. High PWAT and moisture pooling down there. Gibbs will pull another 3”
  12. Same deal as entire summer. The south coast gets the rain. NYC / SW CT to Ginx.. areas north little to none. How many times has that happened since June? Over 10 times I’d guess. Some of the hi res shows it too
  13. Scooter sees your hiney.. you’d better hide it, before he bites it?
  14. What? I know there’s a few of you guys that don’t care about your lawns , don’t fertilize etc .. and it’s just various weeds you have. That’s totally fine and to each their own. But I work my tail off to have a nice lawn and to Have significant portions of it ruined by a serious drought in one summer really blows. The reseeding as bad it all looks now.. give me a couple weeks to a month of watering daily and less sun angle/ hours and I’ll get it looking decent again . I need to also drop some fertilizer, but can’t until I know some rain is coming and that looks very unlikely this week at least.
  15. Here’s what it used to look like. Stein crushed it this summer. It kills me
  16. United we stand with dead lawns That’s the first time in 15 years here that’s scorched out from Stein. I had to reseed large areas out front today from Steins work . Soul, seed and now daily watering with no rain in sight. MPM and Will think there no drought and it’s funny. When people’s 50foot + wells are drying up.. it’s a serious problem
  17. You’ll do fine. Mild winters mean you and Alex score. SNE is Foc’d. I’ve never seen We at EMasswx so down on a winter this early
  18. For those that are stressed about the unknowns of what the next few months hold , or those stressed about a mild, dry winter coming.. this is a fantastic pick me up song. At the end, you’ll feel like things are ok. It’s got that effect especially right at the end.
  19. Every single sign points to mild, dry winter. Good luck on that one
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