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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Tough to support folks that disrespect their country. To each their own of course . Windy and humid afternoon
  2. This whole year has been severely dry
  3. Dilfs to the left of you , dilfs to the right ?
  4. Stein taking the ball and running away with it
  5. I complain about that at night in summer. I don’t want it chilly enough in summer to have to worry about wearing long sleeves. If it’s in the50’s with sun or warmer shorts are fine into Nov. It’s not like some cold pattern is settling in. It’s mainly due to dry air masses and strong cooling at night. Warm , sunny days with temps 65-75 and cool nights . That’s not jeans
  6. That’s nuts. Shorts go well into November with a jacket or pullover you’re fine
  7. He’s slowly changing too. Once he hits 40 , he’ll be there in full
  8. Folks will feel wet will feel a bit muggy as dewpoints climb into the upper 50s and low 60s by the end of the day. Southerly flow aloft will advect 925 hPa temperature of 13-16 degrees Celsius - so expecting highs to top out in
  9. There probably won’t be much rain. Just a lot of light qpf events or drizzle with the warm front and then dry fropas
  10. I’m in camp of worse than last winter except drier qpf wise
  11. That should be the final straw to light all of this areas woods on fire
  12. Meaning you’re going big big snower? You’ve got Cranky and Will in your corner, so not everyone is going mild and dry.
  13. Other than you we all did that in SNE and lost last winter.
  14. Nothing like 25” of mainly rain in the cold wx months. Puff puff pass
  15. Seeing people in jeans when it’s 75 always make me think WTF to myself
  16. Low was 51. At least can wear shorts for the next 4 weeks or more.
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