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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Burn 2020 ...ELEVATED FIRE WEATHER POTENTIAL THIS WEEKEND... The prolonged dry weather across southern New England has resulted in very low live and dead fuel moisture. With low relative humidity and gusty winds Saturday, any fires which escape initial containment and become established, could potentially become serious. Winds are not expected to be as strong Sunday, but it will still remain quite dry. Consult your local fire warden if planning any outdoor burning this weekend.
  2. How about we just warn that fire will break out anywhere and everywhere ?
  3. Stein finds Everything. You can’t get anything drought related past the Stein
  4. Most of we don’t use or understand charts. What is this showing?
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj254-CqfHrAhVCpFkKHe-KCcAQFjAIegQIBBAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.wnpr.org%2Fpost%2Ffirefighters-work-contain-very-smoky-wildfire-windham&usg=AOvVaw0-lKTxHibiGunAEr0h4Znk
  6. They said until sig rain or snows . Neither are anywhere near
  7. Start throwing in dry leaves coming down , low dews , wind and people camping and campfires etc
  8. Super rural area. All joking aside, we’ll start seeing that happen more this weekend
  9. Man.. huge story on news tonight. 70+ acre fire burning in Natchaug state forest in Windham . They say won’t be contained for months . We feared this
  10. The woods around here are loaded with trees like this. Browns and yellow dying off. I see some ugly darker reds on some of the maples . We’ll see how things go
  11. How much rain total did you have total combined in JJA? I may have asked before
  12. Remember when you and Wiz went there when he was underage? You got him in or something . Then you ate Indian food . That was the day you drove us to that GTG in ORH wasn’t it?
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