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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Man.. dews and warmth . The ACATT folks in for rude awakening it sounds like
  2. 41.2 home.. 36 with light frost at Big Y at 500 feet
  3. That’s localized to your area as you know. Look at the rest of New England
  4. Maybe you guys had plentiful rain this summmer. Most areas south of you did not
  5. Better read this then https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj_trGvrfbrAhVaknIEHRnuD5wQFjAQegQIBxAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mentalfloss.com%2Farticle%2F87882%2Fdrought-disrupts-fall-foliage&usg=AOvVaw0jQ3QTQ2mQX7mB1ELud_9Y
  6. Oh well I just assumed that heated the whole thing. It’s not big so it should you’d think
  7. She posted a picture of a wood stove in addition to wood piles and cut wood
  8. I ran a fiver at 4:45 this morning with shorts and a light dri fit florescent long sleeve at 39-42 And it was windy .. based on elevation and was still sweaty . I could have used a pair of gloves, but out of principle , I said to myself it’s still summer and I will not ever wear gloves . Sitting in the sun at Alvarium brewery today and was tanning . Jeans not ever needed until Nov
  9. Stein tells Will that long term serious droughts in New England do happen
  10. Today great example of shorts and a light long sleeve .
  11. I’d be shocked if we see a snowy winter. Tread lightly on mets here calling for that
  12. Personally , my feeling is decent December and then it ends . Like total collapse to mild and dry. I think the good December will lead to false hopes for folks
  13. It’s like living in the High desert out west around here these days. Similar to Utah or something.
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