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Damage In Tolland

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Everything posted by Damage In Tolland

  1. Euro will do same . I hate to admit this but the FV3 has crushed the Euro this summer after day 5
  2. If next week shoots the bed , I’m going to have the meltdown of all meltdowns . Just getting that out there.
  3. The smoke is back today. Looks like it gets thicker and peaks Wednesday
  4. How’s the cold shot they mentioned yesterday on the EPS?
  5. Is it going to be inches for the whole region or another one of those haves and have nots with dews around 70? If it’s the latter we know how those go
  6. We hope but we need a home brew on the backside of this pig HP
  7. I think this is drought. It appears they’re just dead or dying
  8. Today marks day 10 in a row for most of SNE of no rain. We had a 16 day in a row streak in June. This one looks to beat that one. Just crazy
  9. Rain FV3 went full on Stein again today into Oct
  10. Are azaleas supposed to look like this? I don’t recall yellow leaves before
  11. I’d guess we’ve heard that 5-10 x this summer . The only time it worked out was in early July . Since then Stein has strangled every event. Wagons west for big amounts seems most likely on this.
  12. I’m pretty sure no one here believes it. I’m sure you don’t .
  13. Bet that shifts west again like all summer. Starts out as floods in Sne and ends up over NW Nj into Ny state
  14. One of these things is not like the other
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